[OVH] Délai de chargement des pages -
bzh - 16/05/2013
Citation :#~~~~~ DEBUT BLOC A NE PAS SUPPRIMER ~~~~~
#~ Version du CMS: 1.11.6
#~ Url du site : http://www.malik-bretagne.com/
#~ Hébergeur / Soft : OVH
#~ Informations Système :
Mes sites hébergées sur OVH en mutuualisé font apparaître un temps de chargement de page très lent > 4s
Par ailleurs sur un site, j'ai perdu la moitié de mon trafic via google et mon référencement a complètement chuté sur des mots clés concurrentiel. Je ne sais pas si la lenteur du serveur a une influence sur le référencement ?
Je me pose la question d'un changement d'hébergement.
Merci de vos avis sur ce problème.
[OVH] Délai de chargement des pages -
bess - 16/05/2013
la lenteur a effectivement un effet sur le référencement, mais je ne connais pas l'importance de ce critère dans l'algo de google.
ton site est effectivement très lent. Je sais qu'OVH a quelques soucis dernièrement mais ce serait facile de l'incriminer directement sans chercher plus loin...
la timeline de gtmetrix sur ton site montre deux choses :
* lenteur à la génération du site : active le debug de cmsms (config.php,
+ d'info) et regarde si dans les traces générées on trouve un passage qui coince. copie nous ces traces si possible
* lenteur à la récupération d'image plus lourde.. mais elles font moins de 150ko, c'est inconcevable que cela prenne 3s pour ces images donc pour moi il y a déjà un ticket à ouvrir chez OVH sur ce point !
donc mon avis : ticket OVH pour les images longues à s'afficher, continue d'investiguer avec le debug de ton côté, mais il est fort à parier que tu sois victime d'une modification sur leur serveur qui te pénalise, peut être un lien avec les modifications que j'ai déjà évoqué sur
ce sujet
[OVH] Délai de chargement des pages -
pierrepercee - 16/05/2013
Bonjour Bess,
C'est hélas vraiment problématique dans la mesure ou les bots n'aiment pas attendre...d'où retard d'indexation, baisse de trafic et ...manque à gagner évident.
J'ai des sites de clients hébergés sur du mutualisé OVH (90 plan ovh et offre business) et je me pose clairement la question du déménagement... Sur le forum des hébergements mutualisés OVH, de nombreux clients expriment leur mécontentement. Une offre mutualisée réservée aux différents CMS devrait voir le jour assez rapidement. La situation perdure maintenant depuis quelques mois et de nombreux clients s'impatientent devant cet état de fait sans que l'hébergeur OVH ne propose de réponse vraiment adaptée.
Payer 7 euros ou 15 euros par mois, même pour une petite PME, ce n'est pas le problème, ils ont simplement besoin d'un service d'hébergement adapté fiable et rapide.
Le passage sur du dédié n'est pas une réponse satisfaisante pour ces structures (Webmaster c'est déjà plusieurs métiers mais la gestion de serveur c'est clairement une autre voie...).
Mettre en place une solution d'hébergement mutualisée performante à 10/15 euros par mois, cela doit quand même être à la portée d'une structure comme OVH.
Pour l'heure, je fais comme tout le monde je prospecte en me disant qu'ils vont peut être régler le problème (après tout c'est leur intérêt s'ils ne veulent pas perdre trop de clients) mais à trop tirer sur la corde... :/
[OVH] Délai de chargement des pages -
bzh - 16/05/2013
Merci pour ta réponse Bess (on est voisins... bienvenue à Rennes
Code :
[== Indéfini ==]
Generated in 2.705741 seconds by CMS Made Simple using 77 SQL queries and 13303244 bytes of memory (peak memory usage was 13992720)
Debug: (4.599999999999E-5) - (usage: 734116) - (peak: 766740)
done loading required files
Debug: (0.13486) - (usage: 734836) - (peak: 779152)
loading adodb
Debug: (0.152329) - (usage: 821984) - (peak: 856356)
loading page functions
Debug: (0.162557) - (usage: 989456) - (peak: 1078012)
loading content functions
Debug: (0.169045) - (usage: 1014176) - (peak: 1078012)
loading translation functions
Debug: (0.180642) - (usage: 1120024) - (peak: 1149960)
loading php4 entity decode functions
Debug: (0.189902) - (usage: 1314076) - (peak: 1542924)
done loading files
Debug: (0.189977) - (usage: 1314336) - (peak: 1542924)
Initialize Database
Debug: (0.287981) - (usage: 1915224) - (peak: 1919864)
(mysql): SET NAMES 'utf8'
Debug: (0.288191) - (usage: 1913660) - (peak: 1961124)
Done Initializing Database
Debug: (0.288245) - (usage: 1913840) - (peak: 1961352)
Initialize Smarty
Debug: (0.340374) - (usage: 2373644) - (peak: 2375788)
Loading /homez.301/malikbre/www/lib/classes/class.Smarty_CMS.php = 458684 bytes for an approximate total of 458684
Debug: (0.354423) - (usage: 2404116) - (peak: 2421588)
Loading /homez.301/malikbre/www/lib/classes/class.cms_siteprefs.php = 19616 bytes for an approximate total of 478300
Debug: (0.372735) - (usage: 2405836) - (peak: 2448472)
(mysql): SELECT sitepref_name,sitepref_value FROM cms_siteprefs
Debug: (0.545591) - (usage: 2546824) - (peak: 2634632)
Done Initialiing Smarty
Debug display of 'Loading Routes':(0.546048) - (usage: 2550436) - (peak: 2634632)
Debug: (0.558085) - (usage: 2571600) - (peak: 2640884)
Loading /homez.301/malikbre/www/lib/classes/class.pageinfo.inc.php = 20036 bytes for an approximate total of 498336
Debug: (0.582821) - (usage: 2743120) - (peak: 2796800)
Loading /homez.301/malikbre/www/lib/classes/class.contentoperations.inc.php = 170920 bytes for an approximate total of 669256
Debug: (0.587378) - (usage: 2744628) - (peak: 2825492)
(mysql): SELECT content_id,page_url FROM cms_content
WHERE active = 1 AND default_content = 0 AND page_url != ''
Debug display of 'End of Loading Routes':(0.587487) - (usage: 2743084) - (peak: 2826656)
Debug display of 'Loading Modules':(0.587567) - (usage: 2743260) - (peak: 2826932)
Debug: (0.595313) - (usage: 2951024) - (peak: 3004284)
Loading /homez.301/malikbre/www/lib/classes/class.moduleoperations.inc.php = 206616 bytes for an approximate total of 875872
Debug: (0.597965) - (usage: 2952892) - (peak: 3029664)
(mysql): SELECT * FROM cms_modules ORDER BY module_name
Debug: (0.618561) - (usage: 3019116) - (peak: 3078880)
Loading /homez.301/malikbre/www/lib/classes/class.module_meta.php = 33804 bytes for an approximate total of 909676
Debug: (0.637396) - (usage: 3634752) - (peak: 3672420)
Loading /homez.301/malikbre/www/lib/classes/class.CMSModule.php = 336472 bytes for an approximate total of 1246148
Debug: (0.637565) - (usage: 3668792) - (peak: 3697384)
Loading /homez.301/malikbre/www/modules/Archiver/Archiver.module.php = 646900 bytes for an approximate total of 1893048
Debug: (0.880177) - (usage: 3750908) - (peak: 3779460)
Loading /homez.301/malikbre/www/lib/classes/class.cms_utils.php = 24408 bytes for an approximate total of 1917456
Debug: (0.893405) - (usage: 3944240) - (peak: 3966728)
Loading /homez.301/malikbre/www/modules/Captcha/Captcha.module.php = 192348 bytes for an approximate total of 2109804
Debug: (0.908561) - (usage: 4444648) - (peak: 4453448)
Loading /homez.301/malikbre/www/modules/CGCalendar/CGCalendar.module.php = 496644 bytes for an approximate total of 2606448
Debug: (0.913914) - (usage: 4467580) - (peak: 4489920)
Loading /homez.301/malikbre/www/lib/classes/class.CmsRoute.php = 14816 bytes for an approximate total of 2621264
Debug: (0.918998) - (usage: 4494680) - (peak: 4514472)
Loading /homez.301/malikbre/www/lib/classes/class.cms_route_manager.php = 26196 bytes for an approximate total of 2647460
Debug: (0.957714) - (usage: 4749008) - (peak: 4765104)
Loading /homez.301/malikbre/www/modules/CGFBApp/CGFBApp.module.php = 66984 bytes for an approximate total of 2714444
Debug: (0.967601) - (usage: 4766736) - (peak: 4794864)
Loading /homez.301/malikbre/www/modules/CGExtensions/lib/class.cg_exception.php = 10968 bytes for an approximate total of 2725412
Debug: (0.990387) - (usage: 5069608) - (peak: 5085128)
Loading /homez.301/malikbre/www/modules/CGFeedMaker/CGFeedMaker.module.php = 85816 bytes for an approximate total of 2811228
Debug: (1.007168) - (usage: 5232888) - (peak: 5250960)
Loading /homez.301/malikbre/www/modules/CGGoogleMaps/CGGoogleMaps.module.php = 134768 bytes for an approximate total of 2945996
Debug: (1.037969) - (usage: 5376732) - (peak: 5413756)
Loading /homez.301/malikbre/www/modules/CGSimpleSmarty/CGSimpleSmarty.module.php = 90392 bytes for an approximate total of 3036388
Debug: (1.050906) - (usage: 5646156) - (peak: 5680112)
Loading /homez.301/malikbre/www/modules/CompanyDirectory/CompanyDirectory.module.php = 197916 bytes for an approximate total of 3234304
Debug: (1.052745) - (usage: 5651688) - (peak: 5695072)
(mysql): SELECT id,url FROM cms_module_compdir_companies WHERE status = 'published' AND url != ''
Debug: (1.059182) - (usage: 5769348) - (peak: 5789120)
Loading /homez.301/malikbre/www/modules/JQueryTools/JQueryTools.module.php = 72428 bytes for an approximate total of 3306732
Debug: (1.077581) - (usage: 6049076) - (peak: 6064884)
Loading /homez.301/malikbre/www/modules/FormBuilder/FormBuilder.module.php = 261276 bytes for an approximate total of 3568008
Debug: (1.129698) - (usage: 7286580) - (peak: 7314684)
Loading /homez.301/malikbre/www/modules/CMSMailer/CMSMailer.module.php = 178564 bytes for an approximate total of 3746572
Debug: (1.135463) - (usage: 7382004) - (peak: 7408208)
Loading /homez.301/malikbre/www/modules/Gallery/Gallery.module.php = 95752 bytes for an approximate total of 3842324
Debug: (1.141156) - (usage: 7466452) - (peak: 7489516)
Loading /homez.301/malikbre/www/modules/ImageCompressor/ImageCompressor.module.php = 74016 bytes for an approximate total of 3916340
Debug: (1.147415) - (usage: 7604724) - (peak: 7629772)
Loading /homez.301/malikbre/www/modules/MleCMS/MleCMS.module.php = 135556 bytes for an approximate total of 4051896
Debug: (1.162333) - (usage: 7850120) - (peak: 7879792)
Loading /homez.301/malikbre/www/modules/MysqlDump/MysqlDump.module.php = 207756 bytes for an approximate total of 4259652
Debug: (1.168889) - (usage: 7993924) - (peak: 8013904)
Loading /homez.301/malikbre/www/modules/News/News.module.php = 140808 bytes for an approximate total of 4400460
Debug: (1.170261) - (usage: 7999964) - (peak: 8043340)
(mysql): SELECT news_id,news_url FROM cms_module_news
WHERE status = 'published' AND news_url != '' AND ( IFNULL(start_time, '1970-01-01 01:00:01') < NOW()) AND (( IFNULL(end_time, '1970-01-01 01:00:01') = '1970-01-01 01:00:01') OR (end_time > NOW())) ORDER BY news_date DESC
Debug: (1.172819) - (usage: 7998752) - (peak: 8050464)
(mysql): SELECT content_id FROM cms_content WHERE default_content = 1 LIMIT 1
Debug: (1.173759) - (usage: 7999048) - (peak: 8050464)
(mysql): SELECT content_id FROM cms_content LIMIT 1
Debug: (1.180476) - (usage: 8124716) - (peak: 8159856)
Loading /homez.301/malikbre/www/modules/Showtime/Showtime.module.php = 117860 bytes for an approximate total of 4518320
Debug: (1.188791) - (usage: 8379836) - (peak: 8398176)
Loading /homez.301/malikbre/www/modules/TinyMCE/TinyMCE.module.php = 250752 bytes for an approximate total of 4769072
Debug display of 'End of Loading Modules':(1.189015) - (usage: 8376972) - (peak: 8428212)
Debug: (1.194275) - (usage: 8404168) - (peak: 8429920)
Loading /homez.301/malikbre/www/lib/classes/class.CmsRegularTaskHandler.php = 26184 bytes for an approximate total of 4795256
Debug: (1.200077) - (usage: 8426384) - (peak: 8455944)
Loading /homez.301/malikbre/www/lib/classes/class.cms_content_cache.php = 28608 bytes for an approximate total of 4823864
Debug: (1.206775) - (usage: 8428808) - (peak: 8479488)
(mysql): SELECT * FROM cms_content WHERE content_id = '15' AND active = 1 LIMIT 1
Debug: (1.223277) - (usage: 8908692) - (peak: 8978576)
Loading /homez.301/malikbre/www/lib/classes/class.ContentBase.php = 339436 bytes for an approximate total of 5163300
Debug: (1.223414) - (usage: 8936472) - (peak: 8978576)
Loading /homez.301/malikbre/www/lib/classes/contenttypes/Content.inc.php = 504164 bytes for an approximate total of 5667464
Debug: (1.229437) - (usage: 8974808) - (peak: 9003680)
Loading /homez.301/malikbre/www/lib/classes/class.ContentProperties.php = 35288 bytes for an approximate total of 5702752
Debug: (1.229732) - (usage: 8992072) - (peak: 9021568)
load from data is loading properties
Debug: (1.231214) - (usage: 8995212) - (peak: 9038892)
(mysql): SELECT * FROM cms_content_props WHERE content_id = '15'
Debug: (1.28515) - (usage: 9145700) - (peak: 9168172)
Loading /homez.301/malikbre/www/lib/classes/class.templateoperations.inc.php = 92900 bytes for an approximate total of 5795652
Debug: (1.290245) - (usage: 9148840) - (peak: 9192628)
(mysql): SELECT template_id, template_name, template_content, stylesheet, encoding, active, default_template, modified_date FROM cms_templates WHERE template_id = '35' LIMIT 1
Debug: (1.330748) - (usage: 9919472) - (peak: 10009600)
Loading /homez.301/malikbre/www/lib/classes/class.Events.php = 85852 bytes for an approximate total of 5881504
Debug: (1.335032) - (usage: 9922692) - (peak: 10009600)
(mysql): SELECT eh.tag_name, eh.module_name, e.originator, e.event_name, eh.handler_order, eh.handler_id, eh.removable FROM cms_event_handlers eh
INNER JOIN cms_events e ON e.event_id = eh.event_id
ORDER BY eh.handler_order ASC
Debug: (1.481216) - (usage: 10080560) - (peak: 10116388)
Loading /homez.301/malikbre/www/modules/CGExtensions/lib/class.cge_tmpdata.php = 11028 bytes for an approximate total of 5892532
Debug: (1.497827) - (usage: 10204232) - (peak: 10247484)
Loading /homez.301/malikbre/www/modules/MleCMS/lib/class.mle_tools.php = 12972 bytes for an approximate total of 5905504
Debug: (1.498508) - (usage: 10204548) - (peak: 10263908)
(mysql): SELECT * FROM cms_content WHERE content_id = '56' LIMIT 1
Debug: (1.503706) - (usage: 10266068) - (peak: 10287788)
Loading /homez.301/malikbre/www/lib/classes/contenttypes/PageLink.inc.php = 59088 bytes for an approximate total of 5964592
Debug: (1.504685) - (usage: 10231656) - (peak: 10317668)
(mysql): SELECT * FROM cms_module_mlecms_config WHERE alias = 'fr' LIMIT 1
Debug: (1.505711) - (usage: 10342368) - (peak: 10366676)
Nothing is known about babel... cant load it
Debug: (1.583561) - (usage: 10323504) - (peak: 10393524)
(mysql): SELECT * from cms_module_templates WHERE module_name = 'MleCMS' and template_name = 'block_logo'
Debug display of 'Start Loading Hierarchy Manager':(1.591569) - (usage: 10443244) - (peak: 10544256)
Debug display of 'starting tree':(1.591644) - (usage: 10443568) - (peak: 10544256)
Debug: (1.593216) - (usage: 10446104) - (peak: 10544256)
(mysql): SELECT modified_date FROM cms_content ORDER BY modified_date DESC LIMIT 1
Debug: (1.59342) - (usage: 10444912) - (peak: 10544256)
Content tree file needs loading
Debug: (1.604733) - (usage: 10565188) - (peak: 10607780)
Loading /homez.301/malikbre/www/lib/classes/class.cms_tree.php = 35212 bytes for an approximate total of 5999804
Debug: (1.604833) - (usage: 10567348) - (peak: 10632316)
Loading /homez.301/malikbre/www/lib/classes/class.cms_content_tree.php = 77824 bytes for an approximate total of 6077628
Debug display of 'ending tree':(1.605481) - (usage: 10624260) - (peak: 10663360)
Debug display of 'End Loading Hierarchy Manager':(1.605544) - (usage: 10603944) - (peak: 10677796)
Debug: (1.612538) - (usage: 10556452) - (peak: 10677796)
(mysql): SELECT * from cms_module_templates WHERE module_name = 'MleCMS' and template_name = 'block_title'
Debug: (1.6204) - (usage: 10663576) - (peak: 10703772)
Loading /homez.301/malikbre/www/modules/MleCMS/lib/class.Translation.php = 56352 bytes for an approximate total of 6133980
Debug: (1.626806) - (usage: 10739736) - (peak: 10778860)
Loading /homez.301/malikbre/www/modules/CGExtensions/lib/class.cge_utils.php = 75280 bytes for an approximate total of 6209260
Debug: (1.637373) - (usage: 10691088) - (peak: 10794488)
(mysql): SELECT * from cms_module_templates WHERE module_name = 'MleCMS' and template_name = 'block_booking'
Debug: (1.645172) - (usage: 10701056) - (peak: 10798224)
(mysql): SELECT
content_hierchy.content_alias as alias FROM cms_module_mlecms_config mle
INNER JOIN cms_content content ON content.content_alias = mle.alias
LEFT JOIN cms_content content_hierchy ON (content_hierchy.hierarchy = CONCAT(content.hierarchy,'.00001')) WHERE 1 ORDER BY mle.sort ASC
Debug: (1.651008) - (usage: 10771764) - (peak: 10802000)
Loading /homez.301/malikbre/www/modules/CGExtensions/lib/class.cge_array.php = 66628 bytes for an approximate total of 6275888
Debug: (1.653182) - (usage: 10817348) - (peak: 10828632)
(mysql): SELECT * from cms_module_templates WHERE module_name = 'MleCMS' and template_name = 'mle_templateFlags' LIMIT 1
Debug: (1.654304) - (usage: 10817444) - (peak: 10869988)
(mysql): SELECT module_name,template_name,modified_date
FROM cms_module_templates
Debug: (1.690163) - (usage: 10920988) - (peak: 11012456)
(mysql): SELECT * FROM cms_content WHERE content_id IN (89,90,95,97,98,99,102,106,103,112,113) AND active = 1 ORDER BY hierarchy
Debug: (1.69532) - (usage: 11117648) - (peak: 11151580)
(mysql): SELECT * FROM cms_content WHERE content_id IN (119,120,125,126,127,128,129,133,130,139,140) AND active = 1 ORDER BY hierarchy
Debug: (1.701963) - (usage: 11312556) - (peak: 11346140)
(mysql): SELECT * FROM cms_content WHERE content_id IN (142,143,148,149,150,151,152,156,153,162,163) AND active = 1 ORDER BY hierarchy
Debug: (1.710371) - (usage: 11507648) - (peak: 11539764)
(mysql): SELECT * FROM cms_content WHERE content_id IN (165,166,171,172,173,174,175,179,176,185,186) AND active = 1 ORDER BY hierarchy
Debug: (1.729497) - (usage: 11646236) - (peak: 11731688)
Loading /homez.301/malikbre/www/modules/MenuManager/MenuManager.module.php = 123348 bytes for an approximate total of 6399236
Debug display of 'Start of Menu Manager Display':(1.749863) - (usage: 11739864) - (peak: 11826264)
Debug: (1.754889) - (usage: 11741348) - (peak: 11826264)
Menu Manager Display used the Cache from /homez.301/malikbre/www/tmp/cache/menu.05da8e2af4060d44171a66622a4449c8.cache
Debug display of 'End of Menu Manager Display':(1.765642) - (usage: 11743908) - (peak: 11826264)
Debug: (1.804581) - (usage: 11829888) - (peak: 11863476)
Loading /homez.301/malikbre/www/modules/Search/Search.module.php = 177984 bytes for an approximate total of 6577220
Debug: (1.897775) - (usage: 12076644) - (peak: 12089768)
(mysql): SELECT * from cms_module_templates WHERE module_name = 'Search' and template_name = 'displaysearch' LIMIT 1
Debug: (1.988466) - (usage: 12018884) - (peak: 12196748)
(mysql): SELECT * from cms_module_templates WHERE module_name = 'MleCMS' and template_name = 'snippet_breadcrum'
Debug: (1.995756) - (usage: 11970856) - (peak: 12196748)
(mysql): SELECT * FROM cms_content_props WHERE content_id = '56'
Debug: (2.011429) - (usage: 12024052) - (peak: 12196748)
(mysql): SELECT * from cms_module_templates WHERE module_name = 'MleCMS' and template_name = 'block_Bar_home'
Debug: (2.019189) - (usage: 12095940) - (peak: 12196748)
(mysql): SELECT * FROM cms_content WHERE content_id IN (62,39,67,115,70,73,65,74,77,78,72) AND active = 1 ORDER BY hierarchy
Debug: (2.027435) - (usage: 12313796) - (peak: 12349124)
(mysql): SELECT * FROM cms_content WHERE content_id IN (69,61,63,64) AND active = 1 ORDER BY hierarchy
Debug: (2.046037) - (usage: 12330176) - (peak: 12420132)
(mysql): SELECT * from cms_module_templates WHERE module_name = 'MleCMS' and template_name = 'block_homepage'
Debug: (2.072378) - (usage: 12424260) - (peak: 12476800)
(mysql): SELECT * FROM cms_content WHERE content_id IN (76) AND active = 1 ORDER BY hierarchy
Debug: (2.123183) - (usage: 12570888) - (peak: 12630536)
(mysql): SELECT * FROM cms_content WHERE content_id IN (83,84,85,86,66) AND active = 1 ORDER BY hierarchy
Debug: (2.151231) - (usage: 12689404) - (peak: 12709200)
(mysql): SELECT COUNT(*) FROM (SELECT cms_module_cgcalendar_events.* FROM cms_module_cgcalendar_events INNER JOIN cms_module_cgcalendar_events_to_categories
ON cms_module_cgcalendar_events.event_id = cms_module_cgcalendar_events_to_categories.event_id
INNER JOIN cms_module_cgcalendar_categories
ON cms_module_cgcalendar_events_to_categories.category_id = cms_module_cgcalendar_categories.category_id WHERE (cms_module_cgcalendar_events.event_date_start >= '2013-05-16 20:29:07' OR
(cms_module_cgcalendar_events.event_date_end >= '2013-05-16 20:29:07' AND
COALESCE(cms_module_cgcalendar_events.event_date_end,'0000-00-00 00:00:00') != '0000-00-00 00:00:00')) AND ((cms_module_cgcalendar_categories.category_name LIKE 'homepage'))) AS sub LIMIT 1
Debug: (2.186282) - (usage: 12690632) - (peak: 12751148)
(mysql): SELECT cms_module_cgcalendar_events.* FROM cms_module_cgcalendar_events INNER JOIN cms_module_cgcalendar_events_to_categories
ON cms_module_cgcalendar_events.event_id = cms_module_cgcalendar_events_to_categories.event_id
INNER JOIN cms_module_cgcalendar_categories
ON cms_module_cgcalendar_events_to_categories.category_id = cms_module_cgcalendar_categories.category_id WHERE (cms_module_cgcalendar_events.event_date_start >= '2013-05-16 20:29:07' OR
(cms_module_cgcalendar_events.event_date_end >= '2013-05-16 20:29:07' AND
COALESCE(cms_module_cgcalendar_events.event_date_end,'0000-00-00 00:00:00') != '0000-00-00 00:00:00')) AND ((cms_module_cgcalendar_categories.category_name LIKE 'homepage')) ORDER BY cms_module_cgcalendar_events.event_date_start ASC LIMIT 0, 3
Debug: (2.196666) - (usage: 12770616) - (peak: 12800076)
Loading /homez.301/malikbre/www/lib/classes/class.useroperations.inc.php = 76752 bytes for an approximate total of 6653972
Debug: (2.208763) - (usage: 12770484) - (peak: 12824992)
(mysql): SELECT user_id, username, password, first_name, last_name, email, active, admin_access FROM cms_users ORDER BY username
Debug: (2.220393) - (usage: 12777360) - (peak: 12922664)
(mysql): SELECT field_name,field_value
FROM cms_module_cgcalendar_event_field_values
WHERE event_id = '58'
Debug: (2.224391) - (usage: 12782316) - (peak: 12922664)
(mysql): SELECT category_name
FROM cms_module_cgcalendar_events_to_categories
INNER JOIN cms_module_cgcalendar_categories
ON cms_module_cgcalendar_events_to_categories.category_id = cms_module_cgcalendar_categories.category_id
WHERE event_id = '58'
Debug: (2.236474) - (usage: 12786280) - (peak: 12951516)
(mysql): SELECT field_name,field_value
FROM cms_module_cgcalendar_event_field_values
WHERE event_id = '19'
Debug: (2.240711) - (usage: 12788116) - (peak: 12951516)
(mysql): SELECT category_name
FROM cms_module_cgcalendar_events_to_categories
INNER JOIN cms_module_cgcalendar_categories
ON cms_module_cgcalendar_events_to_categories.category_id = cms_module_cgcalendar_categories.category_id
WHERE event_id = '19'
Debug: (2.249794) - (usage: 12788116) - (peak: 12957264)
(mysql): SELECT field_name,field_value
FROM cms_module_cgcalendar_event_field_values
WHERE event_id = '25'
Debug: (2.252542) - (usage: 12789928) - (peak: 12957264)
(mysql): SELECT category_name
FROM cms_module_cgcalendar_events_to_categories
INNER JOIN cms_module_cgcalendar_categories
ON cms_module_cgcalendar_events_to_categories.category_id = cms_module_cgcalendar_categories.category_id
WHERE event_id = '25'
Debug: (2.314093) - (usage: 12976756) - (peak: 13052112)
(mysql): SELECT * from cms_module_templates WHERE module_name = 'CGCalendar' and template_name = 'upcominglist_avenir' LIMIT 1
Debug: (2.354433) - (usage: 12796328) - (peak: 13154840)
(mysql): SELECT * from cms_module_templates WHERE module_name = 'MleCMS' and template_name = 'block_bandeau_press'
Debug: (2.362862) - (usage: 12796968) - (peak: 13154840)
(mysql): SELECT * from cms_module_templates WHERE module_name = 'MleCMS' and template_name = 'block_footer'
Debug: (2.37367) - (usage: 12973932) - (peak: 13154840)
start global_content_get_template
Debug: (2.383962) - (usage: 13065212) - (peak: 13154840)
Loading /homez.301/malikbre/www/lib/classes/class.globalcontentoperations.inc.php = 89968 bytes for an approximate total of 6743940
Debug: (2.385895) - (usage: 13068208) - (peak: 13154840)
(mysql): SELECT htmlblob_id, htmlblob_name, html, owner, use_wysiwyg, description, modified_date FROM cms_htmlblobs WHERE htmlblob_name = 'facebook' LIMIT 1
Debug: (2.386064) - (usage: 13067184) - (peak: 13154840)
end global_content_get_template
Debug: (2.386131) - (usage: 13067240) - (peak: 13154840)
start global_content_get_timestamp
Debug: (2.3862) - (usage: 13067636) - (peak: 13154840)
end global_content_get_timestamp
Debug: (2.405516) - (usage: 12955072) - (peak: 13195488)
(mysql): SELECT form_id from cms_module_fb_form WHERE alias = 'contactFooterfr'
Debug: (2.407253) - (usage: 12958060) - (peak: 13195488)
(mysql): SELECT * FROM cms_module_fb_form WHERE form_id='4'
Debug: (2.412851) - (usage: 12960060) - (peak: 13195488)
(mysql): SELECT name,value FROM cms_module_fb_form_attr WHERE form_id='4'
Debug: (2.415045) - (usage: 12966772) - (peak: 13195488)
(mysql): SELECT * FROM cms_module_fb_field WHERE form_id='4' and type='DispositionFormBrowser'
Debug: (2.426628) - (usage: 12966768) - (peak: 13195488)
(mysql): SELECT * FROM cms_module_fb_field WHERE form_id='4' ORDER BY order_by
Debug: (2.434507) - (usage: 13012840) - (peak: 13195488)
(mysql): SELECT type FROM cms_module_fb_field WHERE field_id='29'
Debug: (2.4573) - (usage: 13182548) - (peak: 13646660)
(mysql): SELECT * FROM cms_module_fb_field WHERE field_id='29' LIMIT 1
Debug: (2.459466) - (usage: 13183600) - (peak: 13646660)
(mysql): SELECT name, value FROM cms_module_fb_field_opt WHERE field_id='29' ORDER BY option_id
Debug: (2.469752) - (usage: 13224608) - (peak: 13646660)
(mysql): SELECT type FROM cms_module_fb_field WHERE field_id='30'
Debug: (2.474252) - (usage: 13229992) - (peak: 13646660)
(mysql): SELECT * FROM cms_module_fb_field WHERE field_id='30' LIMIT 1
Debug: (2.476042) - (usage: 13231040) - (peak: 13646660)
(mysql): SELECT name, value FROM cms_module_fb_field_opt WHERE field_id='30' ORDER BY option_id
Debug: (2.485037) - (usage: 13277316) - (peak: 13646660)
(mysql): SELECT type FROM cms_module_fb_field WHERE field_id='31'
Debug: (2.488527) - (usage: 13282840) - (peak: 13646660)
(mysql): SELECT * FROM cms_module_fb_field WHERE field_id='31' LIMIT 1
Debug: (2.490621) - (usage: 13283880) - (peak: 13646660)
(mysql): SELECT name, value FROM cms_module_fb_field_opt WHERE field_id='31' ORDER BY option_id
Debug: (2.497617) - (usage: 13347756) - (peak: 13646660)
(mysql): SELECT type FROM cms_module_fb_field WHERE field_id='32'
Debug: (2.503554) - (usage: 13353340) - (peak: 13646660)
(mysql): SELECT * FROM cms_module_fb_field WHERE field_id='32' LIMIT 1
Debug: (2.507099) - (usage: 13354404) - (peak: 13646660)
(mysql): SELECT name, value FROM cms_module_fb_field_opt WHERE field_id='32' ORDER BY option_id
Debug: (2.515117) - (usage: 13389112) - (peak: 13646660)
(mysql): SELECT type FROM cms_module_fb_field WHERE field_id='33'
Debug: (2.517692) - (usage: 13394484) - (peak: 13646660)
(mysql): SELECT * FROM cms_module_fb_field WHERE field_id='33' LIMIT 1
Debug: (2.520527) - (usage: 13395520) - (peak: 13646660)
(mysql): SELECT name, value FROM cms_module_fb_field_opt WHERE field_id='33' ORDER BY option_id
Debug: (2.533645) - (usage: 13568600) - (peak: 13646660)
(mysql): SELECT type FROM cms_module_fb_field WHERE field_id='34'
Debug: (2.538618) - (usage: 13574052) - (peak: 13664780)
(mysql): SELECT * FROM cms_module_fb_field WHERE field_id='34' LIMIT 1
Debug: (2.543466) - (usage: 13575092) - (peak: 13678992)
(mysql): SELECT name, value FROM cms_module_fb_field_opt WHERE field_id='34' ORDER BY option_id
Debug: (2.552262) - (usage: 13609064) - (peak: 13685324)
Loading /homez.301/malikbre/www/lib/classes/class.usertagoperations.inc.php = 41628 bytes for an approximate total of 6785568
Debug: (2.553919) - (usage: 13610548) - (peak: 13711208)
(mysql): SELECT * FROM cms_userplugins ORDER BY userplugin_name
Debug: (2.564157) - (usage: 13752252) - (peak: 13812876)
(mysql): SELECT * from cms_module_templates WHERE module_name = 'FormBuilder' and template_name = 'fb_4' LIMIT 1
Debug: (2.614871) - (usage: 13423700) - (peak: 13992720)
(mysql): SELECT * from cms_module_templates WHERE module_name = 'MleCMS' and template_name = 'block_keywords_home'
Debug: (2.616833) - (usage: 13416100) - (peak: 13992720)
start global_content_get_template
Debug: (2.618326) - (usage: 13419992) - (peak: 13992720)
(mysql): SELECT htmlblob_id, htmlblob_name, html, owner, use_wysiwyg, description, modified_date FROM cms_htmlblobs WHERE htmlblob_name = 'GAasynchrone' LIMIT 1
Debug: (2.618489) - (usage: 13418956) - (peak: 13992720)
end global_content_get_template
Debug: (2.618555) - (usage: 13419012) - (peak: 13992720)
start global_content_get_timestamp
Debug: (2.618624) - (usage: 13419412) - (peak: 13992720)
end global_content_get_timestamp
Debug: (2.653798) - (usage: 13422088) - (peak: 13992720)
Session found. Moving on...
Debug: (2.657462) - (usage: 13422232) - (peak: 13992720)
Session found. Moving on...
Debug: (2.661511) - (usage: 13427712) - (peak: 13992720)
(mysql): SELECT DISTINCT A.css_id,A.css_name,A.css_text,A.modified_date,
FROM cms_css A
LEFT JOIN cms_css_assoc B ON A.css_id = B.assoc_css_id WHERE B.assoc_type = 'template'
AND B.assoc_to_id = '35' ORDER BY B.assoc_order
Debug: (2.686316) - (usage: 13576768) - (peak: 13992720)
(mysql): SELECT id FROM cms_module_cgfeedmaker_categories WHERE name in ('BandB Malik Rss feeds')
Debug: (2.688808) - (usage: 13577868) - (peak: 13992720)
(mysql): SELECT DISTINCT name,title
FROM cms_module_cgfeedmaker A
LEFT OUTER JOIN cms_module_cgfeedmaker_feed_categories B
ON A.id = B.feed_id
WHERE B.category_id IN (2)
Debug: (2.68936) - (usage: 13418720) - (peak: 13992720)
calling module TinyMCE from event ContentPostRender
Debug: (2.694071) - (usage: 13419656) - (peak: 13992720)
calling module Showtime from event ContentPostRender
Debug: (2.694214) - (usage: 13419876) - (peak: 13992720)
calling module CGExtensions from event ContentPostRender
Debug: (2.703635) - (usage: 13433832) - (peak: 13992720)
Loading /homez.301/malikbre/www/modules/CGExtensions/lib/class.cge_headers.php = 7500 bytes for an approximate total of 6793068
Debug: (2.703725) - (usage: 13428148) - (peak: 13992720)
calling module MleCMS from event ContentPostRender
Debug: (2.703899) - (usage: 13429436) - (peak: 13992720)
Nothing is known about ScriptDeploy... cant load it
Debug: (2.703974) - (usage: 13428724) - (peak: 13992720)
calling module Gallery from event ContentPostRender
Voilà le résultat du debug
A priori pas de souci du côté de CMSMS : le problème vient d'OVH.
Il y a en effet beaucoup de personnes en attente de réponse et non de bricolage comme actuellement sur les hébergements mutualisés et plus spécifiquement sur les CMS
[OVH] Délai de chargement des pages -
bess - 17/05/2013
bon, puis-je vous inviter tous les deux à tester le mutu gratuit (ou payant 1€ / mois) de FirstHeberg ? histoire de comparer la vélocité de l'un et de l'autre (attention, c'est encore du php 5.2 qu'ils ont, le mutu 5.3 est en phase de béta privée)
@bzh : t'es sur Rennes aussi ? faudrait boire un coup pour fêter cela
[OVH] Délai de chargement des pages -
bzh - 21/05/2013
J'ai suivi ton conseil, j'ai ouvert un compte sur FirstHeberg pour tester le mutu gratuit.
Je vous fais un retour dès l'installation sur le serveur.
Ok pour boire un coup ! on se contacte par mp
je ne peux pas envoyer de message car jeune padawan !
[OVH] Délai de chargement des pages -
bzh - 05/06/2013
Un peu de news !
J'ai ouvert un compte FirstHeberg pour tester mon site en mutu gratuit mais je suis bloqué par la version de php (5.2.13-pl1-gentoo) utilisée car le site est multilingue (MLE) et nécessite une version 5.3
J'ai la chance d'être sur un serveur où le passage en 5.3 est possible donc j'attends la réponse du support.
To be continued...
[OVH] Délai de chargement des pages -
bess - 07/10/2013
pour rappel, FH a ouvert sa plateforme php 5.3 - 5.4
[OVH] Délai de chargement des pages - 2manyseo - 02/01/2015
Bonsoir, la vitesse de chargement d'un site a une incidence très faible sur le positionnement dans Google, si vous avez perdu la moitié de votre trafic, il faut chercher ailleurs... Updates Panda, Penguin, etc .. Sandbox? Pénalité pour une raison ou pour une autre...
[OVH] Délai de chargement des pages -
Jean le Chauve - 02/01/2015
Merci de donner vos références à ce sujet.
En voici une bien documentée et les liens vers les discussions Google :
qui nous explique l'importance d'avoir un temps de chargement rapide.
Et celui-ci :
Mais je suis d'accord avec vous qu'un retard d'affichage de 4sec. ne justifie pas le fait de perdre tout d'un coup un positionnement déjà établi (au contraire de la fréquentation et du taux de rebond).