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Avoir des images dans le flux RSS généré par CGFeedMaker

Certes et ?

Code :
{* original rss feed template *}
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<rss version="2.0" xmlns:atom="">
  {* note: if you have not configured pretty urls or mod rewrite, the next line may fail when trying to validate the feed *}
  <atom:link href="{$feed_url}" rel="self" type="application/rss+xml" />
    {if isset($ && !empty($}<link>{$}</link>{/if}
    {if isset($feed.description) && !empty($feed.description)}<description>{$feed.description}</description>{/if}
    {if isset($feed.copyright) && !empty($feed.copyright)}<copyright>{$feed.copyright}</copyright>{/if}
    {if isset($generator)}<generator>{$generator}</generator>{/if}
    {if isset($feed.managing_editor) && !empty($feed.managing_editor)}<managingEditor>{$feed.managing_editor}</managingEditor>{/if}
    {if isset($admin_email)}<webMaster>{$admin_email} ({$admin_user->firstname} {$admin_user->lastname})</webMaster>{/if}
    {if isset($feed.image) && !empty($feed.image)}
    {if isset($feed.description) && !empty($feed.description)}<description>{$feed.description}</description>{/if}
        {if isset($ && !empty($}<link>{$}</link>{/if}

    {* an example of how to create a feed from a call to the news module *}
    {* you can use any smarty variable that is available in the news summary template *}
    {* you can substitute this logic with output from any module that supports a summary
       view, or possibly get artistic and mix output from different modules *}
    {CGBlog assign='junk'}
    {foreach from=$items item='entry'}
      {capture assign='description'}{if $entry->summary}{eval var=$entry->summary}{else}{eval var=$entry->content}{/if}{/capture}

Sauf erreur de ma part la seule mention d'image qui est faite c'est pour insérer une image générique genre logo de la société

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