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[Résolu] Newsletter NMS : problème d'éxecution de tâche

1ère étpae a écrit :Debug is on. Redirecting disabled... Please click this link to continue.
Debug: (4.0E-5) - (usage: 1578816) - (peak: 1630400)
done loading required files
Debug: (0.000272) - (usage: 1580888) - (peak: 1630400)
loading adodb
Debug: (0.001315) - (usage: 1715216) - (peak: 1760352)
loading page functions
Debug: (0.002994) - (usage: 1971024) - (peak: 2072240)
loading content functions
Debug: (0.003369) - (usage: 2006872) - (peak: 2072240)
loading translation functions
Debug: (0.004548) - (usage: 2170408) - (peak: 2207920)
loading php4 entity decode functions
Debug: (0.005911) - (usage: 2498480) - (peak: 2830072)
done loading files
Debug: (0.005967) - (usage: 2498888) - (peak: 2830072)
Initialize Database
Debug: (0.013105) - (usage: 3434056) - (peak: 3450920)
(mysql): SET NAMES 'utf8'
Debug: (0.01317) - (usage: 3433400) - (peak: 3492104)
Done Initializing Database
Debug: (0.013208) - (usage: 3433656) - (peak: 3492232)
Initialize Smarty
Debug: (0.017049) - (usage: 4096392) - (peak: 4105296)
Loading /home/z1max950/public_html/lib/classes/class.Smarty_CMS.php = 661632 bytes for an approximate total of 661632
Debug: (0.017501) - (usage: 4144504) - (peak: 4165824)
Loading /home/z1max950/public_html/lib/classes/class.cms_siteprefs.php = 29440 bytes for an approximate total of 691072
Debug: (0.017851) - (usage: 4144792) - (peak: 4196072)
(mysql): SELECT sitepref_name,sitepref_value FROM cms_siteprefs
Debug: (0.01878) - (usage: 4229048) - (peak: 4283576)
Done Initialiing Smarty
Debug display of 'Loading Modules'Sad0.019001) - (usage: 4232480) - (peak: 4323088)
Debug: (0.020962) - (usage: 4553600) - (peak: 4607656)
Loading /home/z1max950/public_html/lib/classes/ = 320080 bytes for an approximate total of 1011152
Debug: (0.021228) - (usage: 4555128) - (peak: 4636136)
(mysql): SELECT * FROM cms_modules ORDER BY module_name
Debug: (0.023202) - (usage: 4847184) - (peak: 4878576)
Loading /home/z1max950/public_html/lib/classes/ = 266016 bytes for an approximate total of 1277168
Debug: (0.023848) - (usage: 4906432) - (peak: 4957392)
Loading /home/z1max950/public_html/lib/classes/class.module_meta.php = 50288 bytes for an approximate total of 1327456
Debug: (0.02871) - (usage: 5058504) - (peak: 5082264)
Loading /home/z1max950/public_html/lib/classes/class.cms_utils.php = 33928 bytes for an approximate total of 1361384
Debug: (0.029168) - (usage: 5107872) - (peak: 5132160)
Loading /home/z1max950/public_html/lib/classes/class.cms_userprefs.php = 49272 bytes for an approximate total of 1410656
Debug: (0.029459) - (usage: 5109768) - (peak: 5161176)
(mysql): SELECT preference,value FROM cms_userprefs WHERE user_id = '1'
Debug: (0.041915) - (usage: 6151248) - (peak: 6291208)
Loading /home/z1max950/public_html/lib/classes/class.CMSModule.php = 486712 bytes for an approximate total of 1897368
Debug: (0.04204) - (usage: 6205048) - (peak: 6317736)
Loading /home/z1max950/public_html/modules/Captcha/Captcha.module.php = 786448 bytes for an approximate total of 2683816
Debug: (0.044406) - (usage: 6628608) - (peak: 6712384)
Loading /home/z1max950/public_html/modules/CGExtensions/CGExtensions.module.php = 416976 bytes for an approximate total of 3100792
Debug: (0.048903) - (usage: 7175176) - (peak: 7224240)
Loading /home/z1max950/public_html/modules/CMSMailer/CMSMailer.module.php = 274416 bytes for an approximate total of 3375208
Debug: (0.049865) - (usage: 7310496) - (peak: 7355712)
Loading /home/z1max950/public_html/modules/CMSPrinting/CMSPrinting.module.php = 131200 bytes for an approximate total of 3506408
Debug: (0.05309) - (usage: 7639512) - (peak: 7703368)
Loading /home/z1max950/public_html/modules/FileManager/FileManager.module.php = 303200 bytes for an approximate total of 3809608
Debug: (0.055612) - (usage: 8054456) - (peak: 8094832)
Loading /home/z1max950/public_html/modules/FormBuilder/FormBuilder.module.php = 411048 bytes for an approximate total of 4220656
Debug: (0.069605) - (usage: 9877968) - (peak: 10064272)
Loading /home/z1max950/public_html/modules/MenuManager/MenuManager.module.php = 194432 bytes for an approximate total of 4415088
Debug: (0.071313) - (usage: 10007464) - (peak: 10138256)
Loading /home/z1max950/public_html/modules/MicroTiny/MicroTiny.module.php = 84608 bytes for an approximate total of 4499696
Debug: (0.072136) - (usage: 10109320) - (peak: 10238384)
Loading /home/z1max950/public_html/modules/ModuleManager/ModuleManager.module.php = 97688 bytes for an approximate total of 4597384
Debug: (0.073551) - (usage: 10333984) - (peak: 10459968)
Loading /home/z1max950/public_html/modules/News/News.module.php = 220408 bytes for an approximate total of 4817792
Debug: (0.078668) - (usage: 10870896) - (peak: 10989280)
Loading /home/z1max950/public_html/modules/NMS/NMS.module.php = 451488 bytes for an approximate total of 5269280
Debug: (0.081837) - (usage: 11020096) - (peak: 11237200)
Loading /home/z1max950/public_html/lib/classes/class.CmsRoute.php = 20888 bytes for an approximate total of 5290168
Debug: (0.082211) - (usage: 11060360) - (peak: 11237200)
Loading /home/z1max950/public_html/lib/classes/class.cms_route_manager.php = 39264 bytes for an approximate total of 5329432
Debug: (0.08367) - (usage: 11336416) - (peak: 11472408)
Loading /home/z1max950/public_html/modules/Search/Search.module.php = 274696 bytes for an approximate total of 5604128
Debug: (0.085338) - (usage: 11467920) - (peak: 11557440)
Loading /home/z1max950/public_html/modules/ThemeManager/ThemeManager.module.php = 95784 bytes for an approximate total of 5699912
Debug display of 'End of Loading Modules'Sad0.085613) - (usage: 11466528) - (peak: 11591768)
Debug: (0.086004) - (usage: 11506824) - (peak: 11599608)
Loading /home/z1max950/public_html/lib/classes/class.CmsRegularTaskHandler.php = 39392 bytes for an approximate total of 5739304
Debug: (0.086114) - (usage: 11429192) - (peak: 11630984)
Session found. Moving on...
Debug: (0.086163) - (usage: 11429512) - (peak: 11630984)
Session found. Moving on...
Debug: (0.090408) - (usage: 12036184) - (peak: 12400848)
Loading /home/z1max950/public_html/modules/CGExtensions/lib/class.cge_tmpdata.php = 16136 bytes for an approximate total of 5755440
Debug: (0.121694) - (usage: 12278104) - (peak: 12400848)
Loading /home/z1max950/public_html/lib/classes/ = 116168 bytes for an approximate total of 5871608
Debug: (0.122091) - (usage: 12281288) - (peak: 12400848)
(mysql): SELECT ug.user_id FROM cms_user_groups ug
WHERE ug.user_id = '1' AND ug.group_id = 1 LIMIT 1
Debug: (0.12242) - (usage: 12282776) - (peak: 12400848)
(mysql): SELECT DISTINCT permission_name FROM cms_user_groups ug INNER JOIN cms_group_perms gp ON gp.group_id = ug.group_id INNER JOIN cms_permissions p ON p.permission_id = gp.permission_id INNER JOIN cms_groups gr ON gr.group_id = ug.group_id WHERE ug.user_id = '1' AND = 1
Debug: (0.123433) - (usage: 12282848) - (peak: 12400848)
(mysql): SELECT * FROM cms_module_nms_jobs WHERE status = 0 LIMIT 1
Debug: (0.123799) - (usage: 12287328) - (peak: 12414864)
(mysql): SELECT DISTINCT messageid
FROM cms_module_nms_job_parts
WHERE jobid = '4'
Debug: (0.124165) - (usage: 12288176) - (peak: 12417008)
(mysql): SELECT *
FROM cms_module_nms_messages
WHERE messageid = '1'
Debug: (0.12441) - (usage: 12288416) - (peak: 12419176)
(mysql): SELECT * FROM cms_module_nms_temp_jobstatus LIMIT 1
Error (1146): Table 'z1max950_cmsms.cms_module_nms_temp_jobstatus' doesn't exist
Debug: (0.179484) - (usage: 12609176) - (peak: 12697976)
(mysql): CREATE TABLE cms_module_nms_temp_jobstatus (
jobid INTEGER,
messageid INTEGER,
email VARCHAR(125),
uniqueid VARCHAR(225),
username VARCHAR(255),
status INTEGER
Debug: (0.180316) - (usage: 12611872) - (peak: 12731448)
(mysql): SELECT DISTINCT jobid,email,username,C.uniqueid,messageid FROM cms_module_nms_listuser A left join cms_module_nms_job_parts B on A.listid = B.listid left join cms_module_nms_users C on A.userid = C.userid
WHERE C.disabled = 0 AND C.confirmed = 1 AND jobid = '4'
ORDER BY messageid
Debug: (0.185164) - (usage: 12617768) - (peak: 12733632)
(mysql): INSERT INTO cms_module_nms_temp_jobstatus VALUES ('4','1','','72a9db06043c4979906fe128544f2d46','Grégory',0)
Debug: (0.185574) - (usage: 12617680) - (peak: 12735672)
(mysql): INSERT INTO cms_module_nms_temp_jobstatus VALUES ('4','1','','6e3ec8868639e5a4f9db3df7571ca1ef','Greggy',0)
Debug: (0.186056) - (usage: 12617448) - (peak: 12735672)
(mysql): UPDATE cms_module_nms_jobs SET started = '2011-12-28 22:31:38', status = 1
WHERE jobid = '4'
Debug: (0.187) - (usage: 12739288) - (peak: 12823288)
Loading /home/z1max950/public_html/lib/classes/class.Events.php = 125320 bytes for an approximate total of 5996928
Debug: (0.187497) - (usage: 12740856) - (peak: 12854064)
(mysql): SELECT eh.tag_name, eh.module_name, e.originator, e.event_name, eh.handler_order, eh.handler_id, eh.removable FROM cms_event_handlers eh
INNER JOIN cms_events e ON e.event_id = eh.event_id
ORDER BY eh.handler_order ASC

2ème étape a écrit :Debug is on. Redirecting disabled... Please click this link to continue.
Debug: (3.3E-5) - (usage: 1581008) - (peak: 1632672)
done loading required files
Debug: (0.000326) - (usage: 1583672) - (peak: 1632672)
loading adodb
Debug: (0.001397) - (usage: 1718016) - (peak: 1763048)
loading page functions
Debug: (0.003111) - (usage: 1973848) - (peak: 2075016)
loading content functions
Debug: (0.003531) - (usage: 2009720) - (peak: 2075016)
loading translation functions
Debug: (0.004729) - (usage: 2173248) - (peak: 2210760)
loading php4 entity decode functions
Debug: (0.006139) - (usage: 2501336) - (peak: 2832968)
done loading files
Debug: (0.006189) - (usage: 2501744) - (peak: 2832968)
Initialize Database
Debug: (0.013478) - (usage: 3436976) - (peak: 3453824)
(mysql): SET NAMES 'utf8'
Debug: (0.013564) - (usage: 3436320) - (peak: 3495008)
Done Initializing Database
Debug: (0.013602) - (usage: 3436576) - (peak: 3495136)
Initialize Smarty
Debug: (0.017445) - (usage: 4099304) - (peak: 4108208)
Loading /home/z1max950/public_html/lib/classes/class.Smarty_CMS.php = 661624 bytes for an approximate total of 661624
Debug: (0.017891) - (usage: 4147416) - (peak: 4168736)
Loading /home/z1max950/public_html/lib/classes/class.cms_siteprefs.php = 29440 bytes for an approximate total of 691064
Debug: (0.018262) - (usage: 4147704) - (peak: 4198984)
(mysql): SELECT sitepref_name,sitepref_value FROM cms_siteprefs
Debug: (0.019163) - (usage: 4231960) - (peak: 4286488)
Done Initialiing Smarty
Debug display of 'Loading Modules'Sad0.019379) - (usage: 4235672) - (peak: 4326000)
Debug: (0.021374) - (usage: 4556744) - (peak: 4610848)
Loading /home/z1max950/public_html/lib/classes/ = 320032 bytes for an approximate total of 1011096
Debug: (0.021638) - (usage: 4558256) - (peak: 4639304)
(mysql): SELECT * FROM cms_modules ORDER BY module_name
Debug: (0.023649) - (usage: 4850344) - (peak: 4881416)
Loading /home/z1max950/public_html/lib/classes/ = 266032 bytes for an approximate total of 1277128
Debug: (0.02433) - (usage: 4909592) - (peak: 4960432)
Loading /home/z1max950/public_html/lib/classes/class.module_meta.php = 50288 bytes for an approximate total of 1327416
Debug: (0.029309) - (usage: 5061720) - (peak: 5085312)
Loading /home/z1max950/public_html/lib/classes/class.cms_utils.php = 33928 bytes for an approximate total of 1361344
Debug: (0.029778) - (usage: 5111088) - (peak: 5135208)
Loading /home/z1max950/public_html/lib/classes/class.cms_userprefs.php = 49272 bytes for an approximate total of 1410616
Debug: (0.030136) - (usage: 5112984) - (peak: 5164224)
(mysql): SELECT preference,value FROM cms_userprefs WHERE user_id = '1'
Debug: (0.043911) - (usage: 6154440) - (peak: 6294488)
Loading /home/z1max950/public_html/lib/classes/class.CMSModule.php = 486640 bytes for an approximate total of 1897256
Debug: (0.044051) - (usage: 6208240) - (peak: 6321024)
Loading /home/z1max950/public_html/modules/Captcha/Captcha.module.php = 786376 bytes for an approximate total of 2683632
Debug: (0.046597) - (usage: 6631840) - (peak: 6715368)
Loading /home/z1max950/public_html/modules/CGExtensions/CGExtensions.module.php = 417024 bytes for an approximate total of 3100656
Debug: (0.051279) - (usage: 7178624) - (peak: 7227576)
Loading /home/z1max950/public_html/modules/CMSMailer/CMSMailer.module.php = 274480 bytes for an approximate total of 3375136
Debug: (0.052278) - (usage: 7313968) - (peak: 7359232)
Loading /home/z1max950/public_html/modules/CMSPrinting/CMSPrinting.module.php = 131232 bytes for an approximate total of 3506368
Debug: (0.055059) - (usage: 7642944) - (peak: 7707312)
Loading /home/z1max950/public_html/modules/FileManager/FileManager.module.php = 303160 bytes for an approximate total of 3809528
Debug: (0.057546) - (usage: 8057896) - (peak: 8098944)
Loading /home/z1max950/public_html/modules/FormBuilder/FormBuilder.module.php = 411056 bytes for an approximate total of 4220584
Debug: (0.071692) - (usage: 9881408) - (peak: 10068160)
Loading /home/z1max950/public_html/modules/MenuManager/MenuManager.module.php = 194416 bytes for an approximate total of 4415000
Debug: (0.073477) - (usage: 10010928) - (peak: 10141968)
Loading /home/z1max950/public_html/modules/MicroTiny/MicroTiny.module.php = 84608 bytes for an approximate total of 4499608
Debug: (0.074289) - (usage: 10112776) - (peak: 10242008)
Loading /home/z1max950/public_html/modules/ModuleManager/ModuleManager.module.php = 97680 bytes for an approximate total of 4597288
Debug: (0.075699) - (usage: 10337480) - (peak: 10463608)
Loading /home/z1max950/public_html/modules/News/News.module.php = 220448 bytes for an approximate total of 4817736
Debug: (0.080908) - (usage: 10874352) - (peak: 10993016)
Loading /home/z1max950/public_html/modules/NMS/NMS.module.php = 451472 bytes for an approximate total of 5269208
Debug: (0.084152) - (usage: 11023552) - (peak: 11240856)
Loading /home/z1max950/public_html/lib/classes/class.CmsRoute.php = 20888 bytes for an approximate total of 5290096
Debug: (0.084532) - (usage: 11063816) - (peak: 11240856)
Loading /home/z1max950/public_html/lib/classes/class.cms_route_manager.php = 39264 bytes for an approximate total of 5329360
Debug: (0.086039) - (usage: 11339912) - (peak: 11475640)
Loading /home/z1max950/public_html/modules/Search/Search.module.php = 274736 bytes for an approximate total of 5604096
Debug: (0.087718) - (usage: 11471440) - (peak: 11560872)
Loading /home/z1max950/public_html/modules/ThemeManager/ThemeManager.module.php = 95808 bytes for an approximate total of 5699904
Debug display of 'End of Loading Modules'Sad0.087994) - (usage: 11470048) - (peak: 11595200)
Debug: (0.088383) - (usage: 11510344) - (peak: 11603072)
Loading /home/z1max950/public_html/lib/classes/class.CmsRegularTaskHandler.php = 39392 bytes for an approximate total of 5739296
Debug: (0.088492) - (usage: 11432712) - (peak: 11634448)
Session found. Moving on...
Debug: (0.088541) - (usage: 11433032) - (peak: 11634448)
Session found. Moving on...
Debug: (0.092865) - (usage: 12040288) - (peak: 12404248)
Loading /home/z1max950/public_html/modules/CGExtensions/lib/class.cge_tmpdata.php = 16136 bytes for an approximate total of 5755432
Debug: (0.094749) - (usage: 12282144) - (peak: 12404248)
Loading /home/z1max950/public_html/lib/classes/ = 116120 bytes for an approximate total of 5871552
Debug: (0.095067) - (usage: 12285328) - (peak: 12404248)
(mysql): SELECT ug.user_id FROM cms_user_groups ug
WHERE ug.user_id = '1' AND ug.group_id = 1 LIMIT 1
Debug: (0.095312) - (usage: 12286816) - (peak: 12404248)
(mysql): SELECT DISTINCT permission_name FROM cms_user_groups ug INNER JOIN cms_group_perms gp ON gp.group_id = ug.group_id INNER JOIN cms_permissions p ON p.permission_id = gp.permission_id INNER JOIN cms_groups gr ON gr.group_id = ug.group_id WHERE ug.user_id = '1' AND = 1
Debug: (0.096356) - (usage: 12286840) - (peak: 12404248)
(mysql): SELECT * FROM cms_module_nms_jobs WHERE status = 0 LIMIT 1

3ème étape a écrit :Debug: (3.4E-5) - (usage: 1580272) - (peak: 1632096)
done loading required files
Debug: (0.000297) - (usage: 1582712) - (peak: 1632096)
loading adodb
Debug: (0.001351) - (usage: 1717040) - (peak: 1762216)
loading page functions
Debug: (0.003022) - (usage: 1972888) - (peak: 2074208)
loading content functions
Debug: (0.003404) - (usage: 2008744) - (peak: 2074208)
loading translation functions
Debug: (0.004578) - (usage: 2172264) - (peak: 2209928)
loading php4 entity decode functions
Debug: (0.005968) - (usage: 2500336) - (peak: 2831912)
done loading files
Debug: (0.006016) - (usage: 2500744) - (peak: 2831912)
Initialize Database
Debug: (0.013244) - (usage: 3436000) - (peak: 3452848)
(mysql): SET NAMES 'utf8'
Debug: (0.013308) - (usage: 3435344) - (peak: 3494032)
Done Initializing Database
Debug: (0.013346) - (usage: 3435600) - (peak: 3494160)
Initialize Smarty
Debug: (0.017117) - (usage: 4098328) - (peak: 4107232)
Loading /home/z1max950/public_html/lib/classes/class.Smarty_CMS.php = 661624 bytes for an approximate total of 661624
Debug: (0.017569) - (usage: 4146440) - (peak: 4167760)
Loading /home/z1max950/public_html/lib/classes/class.cms_siteprefs.php = 29440 bytes for an approximate total of 691064
Debug: (0.01792) - (usage: 4146728) - (peak: 4198008)
(mysql): SELECT sitepref_name,sitepref_value FROM cms_siteprefs
Debug: (0.018833) - (usage: 4230984) - (peak: 4285512)
Done Initialiing Smarty
Debug display of 'Loading Modules'Sad0.019038) - (usage: 4234576) - (peak: 4325024)
Debug: (0.020999) - (usage: 4555696) - (peak: 4609696)
Loading /home/z1max950/public_html/lib/classes/ = 320080 bytes for an approximate total of 1011144
Debug: (0.021258) - (usage: 4557208) - (peak: 4638128)
(mysql): SELECT * FROM cms_modules ORDER BY module_name
Debug: (0.023224) - (usage: 4849256) - (peak: 4880480)
Loading /home/z1max950/public_html/lib/classes/ = 266024 bytes for an approximate total of 1277168
Debug: (0.023869) - (usage: 4908504) - (peak: 4959296)
Loading /home/z1max950/public_html/lib/classes/class.module_meta.php = 50288 bytes for an approximate total of 1327456
Debug: (0.0288) - (usage: 5060576) - (peak: 5084160)
Loading /home/z1max950/public_html/lib/classes/class.cms_utils.php = 33920 bytes for an approximate total of 1361376
Debug: (0.029257) - (usage: 5109952) - (peak: 5133968)
Loading /home/z1max950/public_html/lib/classes/class.cms_userprefs.php = 49280 bytes for an approximate total of 1410656
Debug: (0.029566) - (usage: 5111848) - (peak: 5162984)
(mysql): SELECT preference,value FROM cms_userprefs WHERE user_id = '1'
Debug: (0.042261) - (usage: 6153328) - (peak: 6293472)
Loading /home/z1max950/public_html/lib/classes/class.CMSModule.php = 486696 bytes for an approximate total of 1897352
Debug: (0.042388) - (usage: 6207128) - (peak: 6320008)
Loading /home/z1max950/public_html/modules/Captcha/Captcha.module.php = 786432 bytes for an approximate total of 2683784
Debug: (0.044723) - (usage: 6630792) - (peak: 6714272)
Loading /home/z1max950/public_html/modules/CGExtensions/CGExtensions.module.php = 417096 bytes for an approximate total of 3100880
Debug: (0.049336) - (usage: 7177528) - (peak: 7227296)
Loading /home/z1max950/public_html/modules/CMSMailer/CMSMailer.module.php = 274448 bytes for an approximate total of 3375328
Debug: (0.050278) - (usage: 7312880) - (peak: 7358816)
Loading /home/z1max950/public_html/modules/CMSPrinting/CMSPrinting.module.php = 131216 bytes for an approximate total of 3506544
Debug: (0.053033) - (usage: 7641904) - (peak: 7706816)
Loading /home/z1max950/public_html/modules/FileManager/FileManager.module.php = 303200 bytes for an approximate total of 3809744
Debug: (0.055522) - (usage: 8056856) - (peak: 8098400)
Loading /home/z1max950/public_html/modules/FormBuilder/FormBuilder.module.php = 411056 bytes for an approximate total of 4220800
Debug: (0.069552) - (usage: 9880368) - (peak: 10066952)
Loading /home/z1max950/public_html/modules/MenuManager/MenuManager.module.php = 194416 bytes for an approximate total of 4415216
Debug: (0.071271) - (usage: 10009864) - (peak: 10140776)
Loading /home/z1max950/public_html/modules/MicroTiny/MicroTiny.module.php = 84608 bytes for an approximate total of 4499824
Debug: (0.072089) - (usage: 10111712) - (peak: 10240800)
Loading /home/z1max950/public_html/modules/ModuleManager/ModuleManager.module.php = 97680 bytes for an approximate total of 4597504
Debug: (0.073618) - (usage: 10336376) - (peak: 10462384)
Loading /home/z1max950/public_html/modules/News/News.module.php = 220408 bytes for an approximate total of 4817912
Debug: (0.078847) - (usage: 10873296) - (peak: 10991712)
Loading /home/z1max950/public_html/modules/NMS/NMS.module.php = 451496 bytes for an approximate total of 5269408
Debug: (0.082179) - (usage: 11022520) - (peak: 11239624)
Loading /home/z1max950/public_html/lib/classes/class.CmsRoute.php = 20888 bytes for an approximate total of 5290296
Debug: (0.082556) - (usage: 11062784) - (peak: 11239624)
Loading /home/z1max950/public_html/lib/classes/class.cms_route_manager.php = 39264 bytes for an approximate total of 5329560
Debug: (0.084067) - (usage: 11338848) - (peak: 11469536)
Loading /home/z1max950/public_html/modules/Search/Search.module.php = 274704 bytes for an approximate total of 5604264
Debug: (0.085778) - (usage: 11470368) - (peak: 11559864)
Loading /home/z1max950/public_html/modules/ThemeManager/ThemeManager.module.php = 95808 bytes for an approximate total of 5700072
Debug display of 'End of Loading Modules'Sad0.086054) - (usage: 11468976) - (peak: 11594192)
Debug: (0.086441) - (usage: 11509272) - (peak: 11602064)
Loading /home/z1max950/public_html/lib/classes/class.CmsRegularTaskHandler.php = 39392 bytes for an approximate total of 5739464
Debug: (0.086549) - (usage: 11431640) - (peak: 11633440)
Session found. Moving on...
Debug: (0.086599) - (usage: 11431960) - (peak: 11633440)
Session found. Moving on...
Debug: (0.090851) - (usage: 12038968) - (peak: 12403176)
Loading /home/z1max950/public_html/modules/CGExtensions/lib/class.cge_tmpdata.php = 16136 bytes for an approximate total of 5755600
Debug: (0.092745) - (usage: 12280848) - (peak: 12403176)
Loading /home/z1max950/public_html/lib/classes/ = 116144 bytes for an approximate total of 5871744
Debug: (0.093151) - (usage: 12284008) - (peak: 12403176)
(mysql): SELECT ug.user_id FROM cms_user_groups ug
WHERE ug.user_id = '1' AND ug.group_id = 1 LIMIT 1
Debug: (0.093769) - (usage: 12285544) - (peak: 12403176)
(mysql): SELECT DISTINCT permission_name FROM cms_user_groups ug INNER JOIN cms_group_perms gp ON gp.group_id = ug.group_id INNER JOIN cms_permissions p ON p.permission_id = gp.permission_id INNER JOIN cms_groups gr ON gr.group_id = ug.group_id WHERE ug.user_id = '1' AND = 1

Merci pour l'aide de l'installation du mode debug.
Voilà ce que la console debug m'indique ...
Est-ce que cela t'aide à analyser une quelconque erreur ?

Merci beaucoup Smile

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