08/10/2012, 23:22:31
Voici le gabarit que j'utilise :
Feuille de style :
Code :
[== Indéfini ==]
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terrafirma1.0 by nodethirtythree design
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Institut d'anatomie normale | <a href="http://www.unsa.org">Université de Nice Sophia-Antipolis</a> | <a href="http://medecine.unice.fr">Faculté de Médecine de nice</a> | Webmasters : Y. Walrave / P. Baqué
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Feuille de style :
Code :
[== Indéfini ==]
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/* Horizontal menu for the CMS CSS Menu Module */
/* by Alexander Endresen */
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/* Fix for Opera 8 */
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/* The magic - set to work for up to a 3 level menu, but can be increased unlimited */
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/* End of 'TerraFirma: TerraFirma' */