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[Résolu] La géolocalisation a échouée... CGGoogleMap

La hauteur des bulles d'info a bien été spécifié.

J'ai regardé la validation w3... j'ai corrigé les 2-3 conneries que j'avais fait, par contre, tout le reste provient de CgGooglemaps. J'ai pu corrigé certains trucs mais l'histoire des commentaires html, je n'ai pas trouvé où ils étaient générés.

J'ai mis mon texte entre balises comme préconisé et ça a résolu une partie du problème. Certaines stations continuent d'afficher les infobulles sur plusieurs lignes de façon incompréhensible.

Gabarit JS:

Code :
[== JavaScript ==]
{* javascript template *}
{if $mapinstance == 1}
<script type="text/javascript" {$map_defertxt}>{literal}//<![CDATA[
if( typeof(jQuery) == 'undefined' ){
  alert('JQuery is required for this map to function');
{/literal}{if $map->sensor}{literal}
var my_location;
// a function to determine the current browser location.
// this function is asynchronous in nature.
function getGeoLocation()
  if(navigator.geolocation) {
      // Try W3C Geolocation (Preferred)
      var tmp = new google.maps.LatLng(position.coords.latitude,position.coords.longitude);
      my_location = tmp.toString();
  } else if (google.gears) {
    // Try Google Gears Geolocation
    var geo = google.gears.factory.create('beta.geolocation');
    geo.getCurrentPosition(function(position) {
      var tmp = new google.maps.LatLng(position.latitude,position.longitude);
      my_location = tmp.toString();

{jsmin}<script type="text/javascript" {$map_defertxt}>{literal}
{if $generator->get_marker_count()}{if $map->info_window}{literal}
function handle_info_window(marker)
  // setup the text for the info window
  var tmp = jQuery('#cggm_infowindow_'+marker.map_instance);
  tmp.find('form').append('<input type="hidden" name="map_instance" value="'+marker.map_instance+'"/><input type="hidden" name="marker_alias" value="'+marker.alias+'"/>');

  // handle clicking on 'to here'
  jQuery('div#cggm_infowindow_'+marker.map_instance+' a.cggm_dir_to').click(function() {
    var tmp = jQuery(this).closest('div.cggm_infowindow').parent();
    var map_instance = tmp.find(":input[name='map_instance']").val();
    var marker_alias = tmp.find(":input[name='marker_alias']").val();
    var mkr = jQuery('#map_'+map_instance+'_marker_'+marker_alias).data('marker');
    var addr = mkr.getPosition().toString();

  // handle clicking on from here.
  jQuery('div#cggm_infowindow_'+marker.map_instance+' a.cggm_dir_from').click(function() {
    var tmp = jQuery(this).closest('div.cggm_infowindow').parent();
    var map_instance = tmp.find(":input[name='map_instance']").val();
    var marker_alias = tmp.find(":input[name='marker_alias']").val();
    var mkr = jQuery('#map_'+map_instance+'_marker_'+marker_alias).data('marker');
    var addr = mkr.getPosition().toString();

  {if $map->directions_dest == 'PANEL'}
  // handle the submit button in the directions form.
  jQuery('div#cggm_infowindow_'+marker.map_instance+' form.cggm_directions_form').submit(function() {
    var tmp = jQuery(this).closest('div.cggm_infowindow').parent();
    var src = jQuery(":input[name='saddr']",tmp).val();
    var dest = jQuery(":input[name='daddr']",tmp).val();
    var req = {
       origin: src,
       destination: dest,
       travelMode: google.maps.DirectionsTravelMode.DRIVING
    directionsService.route(req, function(response,status) {
      if( status == google.maps.DirectionsStatus.OK ) {
    return false;

// setup some variables and do initial testing.
var mapInstance = '{$mapinstance}';
var mapMainDiv = '#cggm_map_defn_'+mapInstance;
var mapElem = jQuery('#cggm_map_display_{$mapinstance}').get(0);
if( mapElem == 'undefined' || mapElem == null ) {

{if $map->category_panel}
{if isset($categories)}
var category_info = new Array();
{foreach from=$map_categories item=cat}
category_info['{$}'] = '{$cat.icon}';
// handle category form click
jQuery('#cggm_map_defn_'+mapInstance+' form.category_form :checkbox.category_checkbox').click(function(){
  // hide the infowindow
  // for each checkbox
  var cats = new Array();
  jQuery('#cggm_map_defn_'+mapInstance+' form.category_form :checkbox.category_checkbox:checked').each(function(){
    // add it to the list.

  // for each marker
  jQuery('#cggm_map_defn_'+mapInstance+' div.cggm_map_markers > div.cggm_marker').each(function(){
    // get the categories
    var mname = jQuery(":input[name='name']",this).val();
    var tmp = jQuery(":input[name='categories']",this).val().split(',');
    var meta = jQuery(":input[name='meta']",this).val();
    // check for visible categories
    var display = false;
    var firstcat = '';
    for( i = 0; i < cats.length; i++ )
       if( jQuery.inArray(cats[i],tmp) != -1)
          display = true;
          firstcat = cats[i];
    // toggle the marker
    var mkr = jQuery(this).data('marker');
    if( !meta )
      var ticon = category_info[firstcat];

    // for each marker info window item in this marker
       var tmp = jQuery(":hidden[name='categories']",this).val();
       if( typeof tmp != 'undefined' ) {
         tmp = tmp.split(',');
         display = false;
         for( i = 0; i < cats.length; i++ )
            if( jQuery.inArray(cats[i],tmp) != -1)
              display = true;
         if( display )

  // foreach sidebar item
  jQuery('#cggm_map_defn_'+mapInstance+' li.cggm_sidebar_item').each(function(){
    // toggle the sidebar item
    var tmp = jQuery(":hidden[name='categories']",this).val().split(',');
    var display = false;
    for( i = 0; i < cats.length; i++ )
       if( jQuery.inArray(cats[i],tmp) != -1)
          display = true;
    if( display )

// build the map itself.
var map_options = {ldelim}
mapTypeId: google.maps.MapTypeId.{$generator->get_google_maptype()},
{if $map->nav_controls}
navigationControl: true,
navigationControlOptions: {ldelim}style: google.maps.NavigationControlStyle.{$map->nav_control_option}{rdelim},
navigationControl: false,
{if $map->scale_controls}
scaleControl: true,
scaleControl: false,
{if $map->sv_controls}
streetViewControl: true,
streetViewControl: false,
{if $map->type_controls}
mapTypeControl: true,
mapTypeControlOptions: {ldelim}style: google.maps.MapTypeControlStyle.{$map->type_control_option},position: google.maps.ControlPosition.TOP_LEFT{rdelim},
mapTypeControl: false,
{if $map->center_lat != '' && $map->center_lon != ''}
// center latitude and longitude set for the map
center: new google.maps.LatLng({$map->center_lat},{$map->center_lon}),
// center latitude and longitude calculated by markers.
center: new google.maps.LatLng({$generator->get_center_lat()},{$generator->get_center_lon()}),
zoom: {$map->zoom}
{rdelim}; // map_options

var mapObj = new google.maps.Map(mapElem,map_options);
var infoWindow = new google.maps.InfoWindow();
{if $map->zoom_encompass && $generator->get_marker_count() > 1}
  // set zoom encompass
  var minll = new google.maps.LatLng({$generator->get_min_lat()},{$generator->get_min_lon()});
  var maxll = new google.maps.LatLng({$generator->get_max_lat()},{$generator->get_max_lon()});
  var bds = new google.maps.LatLngBounds(minll,maxll);
{if $map->directions && $generator->get_marker_count()}
var directionsService = new google.maps.DirectionsService();
var directionsDisplay = new google.maps.DirectionsRenderer();

{if $map->sv_controls}
{* build the streetview panorama object *}
panorama = new  google.maps.StreetViewPanorama(document.getElementById('cggm_sv_display_'+mapInstance));
{if isset($icons)}
// build the icons.
var icons = new Array();
{foreach from=$icons item='icon'}
icons['{$}'] = new google.maps.MarkerImage('{$icon.url}');
{if $generator->get_marker_count()}{literal}
// build the markers
jQuery('#cggm_map_defn_'+mapInstance+' div.cggm_map_markers > div.cggm_marker').each(function(){
  // create the marker object.
  var name = jQuery(":input[name='name']",this).val();
  var lat = jQuery(":input[name='latitude']",this).val();
  var lon = jQuery(":input[name='longitude']",this).val();
  var icon = jQuery(":input[name='icon']",this).val();
  var t_icon = null;
  if( icons != undefined && icon != undefined ) {
    t_icon = icons[icon];
  var title = jQuery(":input[name='title']",this).val();
  var marker = new google.maps.Marker({
    map: mapObj,
    title: title,
    map_instance: mapInstance,
    alias: name,
    icon: t_icon,
    jq: this,
    position: new google.maps.LatLng(lat,lon)
  // store the marker for later retrieval.

  {if $map->info_window && $map->info_trigger != 'none'}
  // add info window triggers.
  google.maps.event.addListener(marker, '{$map->info_trigger}', function() {ldelim}
    {if $map->sv_controls}
    var tmp =mapObj.getStreetView();
    var client = new google.maps.StreetViewService();
    client.getPanoramaByLocation(marker.getPosition(), {$map->sv_radius|default:1000}, function(result, status) {ldelim}
    if (status == google.maps.StreetViewStatus.OK) {ldelim}
}); // each

{if isset($kml_files) && count($kml_files) }
{* this kml_files variable is temporary *}
{foreach from=$kml_files item='one_file'}
var kml_layers = new Array();
var kml = new google.maps.KmlLayer('{$one_file}');

{if $map->sidebar}
// handle clicking on sidebar
  var tmp = jQuery(this).attr('rel').split('::');
  if( tmp.length == 2 )
    var mkr = jQuery('#map_'+tmp[0]+'_marker_'+tmp[1]).data('marker');
    {/literal}{if $map->sv_controls}

{if $map->directions && $generator->get_marker_count()}
// handle disabling any directions

}); // ready function.

Une autre question en passant...
Est-ce qu'il est possible de lier un module tel que listit à cggooglemaps pour une gestion des points simplifiées?

En tout cas, merci pour ton aide.
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