05/02/2015, 18:28:14
J'ai également des codes JS :
live update.js :
et pngfix.js :
Et enfin j'ai un fichier "Index.html" quand je l'ouvre sur internet, je clique gauche et je copie le code source que je vous post ici :
Et dans le dossier " Content " se trouve les images en jpeg.
La page que j'ai testé n'est pas en ligne, car dans la mesure où elle est incomplète, et bien je ne la publie pas ducoup !
Voila, qu'est ce que vous en dites ?
live update.js :
Code :
[== JavaScript ==]
// a constant used to indicate a function that does nothing
var NOOP = function() {}
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Find the font family, size and face for the provided node in the
// HTML dom. The result object contains fontSize, fontFamily and
// fontFace entries.
function findFont( obj )
var result = new Object();
if ( obj.currentStyle ) {
result.fontSize = obj.currentStyle[ 'fontSize' ];
result.fontFamily = obj.currentStyle[ 'fontFamily' ];
result.fontFace = obj.currentStyle[ 'fontFace' ];
} else if ( document.defaultView && document.defaultView.getComputedStyle ) {
var computedStyle = document.defaultView.getComputedStyle( obj, "" );
result.fontSize = computedStyle.getPropertyValue( 'font-size' );
result.fontFamily = computedStyle.getPropertyValue( 'font-family' );
result.fontFace = computedStyle.getPropertyValue( 'font-face' );
return result;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
Find the bounds of the specified node in the DOM. This returns
an objct with x,y, height and width fields
function findBounds( obj )
var bounds = new Object();
bounds.x = 0;
bounds.y = 0;
bounds.width = obj.scrollWidth;
bounds.height = obj.scrollHeight;
if( obj.x != null ) {
bounds.x = obj.x;
bounds.y = obj.y;
else {
while( obj.offsetLeft != null ) {
bounds.x += obj.offsetLeft;
bounds.y += obj.offsetTop;
if( obj.offsetParent ) {
obj = obj.offsetParent;
else {
// subtract the amount the page is scrolled from position
if (self.pageYOffset) // all except Explorer
bounds.x -= self.pageXOffset;
bounds.y -= self.pageYOffset;
else if (document.documentElement && document.documentElement.scrollTop)
// Explorer 6 Strict
bounds.x -= document.documentElement.scrollLeft;
bounds.y -= document.documentElement.scrollTop;
else if (document.body) // all other Explorers
bounds.x -= document.body.scrollLeft;
bounds.y -= document.body.scrollTop;
return bounds;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
var isFirefoxPat = /Firefox\/([0-9]+)[.]([0-9]+)[.]([0-9]+)/;
var firFoxArr = isFirefoxPat.exec( navigator.userAgent );
var isSafariPat = /AppleWebKit\/([0-9]+)[.]([0-9]+)/;
var safariArr = isSafariPat.exec( navigator.userAgent );
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
Default implementation does nothing when viewing the webpage normally
var clickTarget = NOOP;
var tellLightroomWhatImagesWeAreUsing = NOOP;
var setActiveImageSize = NOOP;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
var callCallback = NOOP;
var WIN_ENV = false;
var MAC_ENV = false;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
if( window.myCallback != null ){
MAC_ENV = true;
// We're being previewed on Mac. Create a callback
// function for communicating from the web page into Lightroom.
callCallback = function() {
// On Mac we use a special javascript to talk to Lightroom.
var javascript = 'myCallback.' + arguments[ 0 ] + "( ";
var j = arguments.length;
var c = j - 1;
for( var i = 1; i < j; i++ ) {
var arg = arguments[ i ];
if( typeof( arg ) == 'string' ) {
javascript = javascript + '"' + arg + '"';
if( typeof( arg ) == 'number' ) {
javascript = javascript + arg
if( typeof( arg ) == 'undefined' ) {
javascript = javascript + 'undefined'
if( i < c ) {
javascript = javascript + ", "
javascript = javascript + " )"
eval( javascript )
pushresult = function( result ) {
callCallback( "pushresult", result )
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
else if( window.AgMode == 'preview' ) {
WIN_ENV = true;
// We're being previewed on Windows. Create a callback
// function for communicating from the web page into Lightroom.
callCallback = function() {
// On windows we use a special lua: URL to talk to Lightroom.
var lua = arguments[ 0 ] + "( ";
var j = arguments.length;
var c = j - 1;
for( var i = 1; i < j; i++ ) {
var arg = arguments[ i ];
if( typeof( arg ) == 'string' ) {
lua = lua + '"' + arg + '"';
if( typeof( arg ) == 'number' ) {
lua = lua + arg
if( typeof( arg ) == 'undefined' ) {
lua = lua + 'undefined'
if( i < c ) {
lua = lua + ", "
lua = lua + ")"
location.href = "lua:" + lua
pushresult = function( result ) {
location.href = "rsl:" + result;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
Set up live feedback between Lightroom and the previewed web page.
if( callCallback != NOOP ) {
setActiveImageSize = function( size ) {
document.activeImageSize = size;
callCallback( "setActiveImageSize", size );
tellLightroomWhatImagesWeAreUsing = function() {
if( window.myCallback != null ) {
var imgElements = document.getElementsByTagName( "img" );
var elsLen = imgElements.length;
var result = new Array()
for( i = 0; i < elsLen; i++ ) {
var element = imgElements[ i ];
var imageID = element.id;
// for html validation purposes, we've prepended "ID" to the GUID for this
// image, so now we strip that off.
imageID = imageID.substring( 2 );
result[ i ] = imageID;
myCallback.setUsedFiles( result );
clickTarget = function( obj, target, imageID ) {
if( imageID != null ) {
// for html validation purposes, we've prepended "ID" to the GUID for this
// image, so now we strip that off.
imageID = imageID.substring( 2 );
var bounds = findBounds( obj );
var font = findFont( obj );
callCallback( 'inPlaceEdit', target, bounds.x, bounds.y, bounds.width, bounds.height, font.fontFamily, font.fontSize, imageID )
AgDebugPrint = function( message ) {
callCallback( 'AgDebugPrint', message );
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
if( firFoxArr && ( firFoxArr[1] > 1 || firFoxArr[2] > 4 ) ||
safariArr ) {
window.gridOn = NOOP;
window.gridOff= NOOP;
else {
window.gridOn = function( t, id ) {
t.agOriginalClassName = t.className;
t.className = "selectedThumbnail " + t.className;
window.gridOff= function( t ) {
t.className = t.agOriginalClassName;
var needThumbImgLink = !isFirefoxPat;
var oldOnLoad = window.onload;
window.onload = function() {
if( window.AgOnLoad ) {
if( oldOnLoad ) {
document.liveUpdateImageMaxSize = function( id, value ) {
var targetArr = id.split(/[ \t\r\n]*,[ \t\r\n]*/);
for( i = 0; i < targetArr.length; i++ ) {
var target = targetArr[i];
var idRegex = new RegExp( "^[#](.+$)" );
var theId = idRegex.exec( target );
if( theId && theId[ 1 ] ) {
var item = document.getElementById( theId[ 1 ] );
if( item ) {
// scale image size
var max = item.width;
if( item.height > max ) {
max = item.height;
item.width = item.width * value / max;
item.height = item.height * value / max;
return "invalidateAllContent";
document.liveUpdatePropertyMac = function( id, property, value ) {
var targetArr = id.split(/[ \t\r\n]*,[ \t\r\n]*/);
var clasRegex = new RegExp( "^[.](.+$)" )
var idRegex = new RegExp( "^[#](.+$)" )
var comboRegex = new RegExp( "[ \t\r\n]" );
for( i = 0; i < targetArr.length; i++ ) {
var target = targetArr[i];
var theClass = clasRegex.exec( target );
var theId = idRegex.exec( target );
if( comboRegex.exec( target ) ) {
return "failed";
else if( theClass) {
var pattern = new RegExp( "(^|\\s)" + theClass[1] + "(\\s|$)" );
var items = document.getElementsByTagName( '*' );
for( o = 0; o < items.length; o++ ) {
var item = items[ o ];
if( pattern.test( item.className ) ){
item.style.setProperty( property, value, "important" );
return "invalidateAllContent";
else if( theId ) {
if( property == "maxSize" ) {
return document.liveUpdateImageMaxSize( id, value );
var item = document.getElementById( theId[ 1 ] );
if( item ) {
item.style.setProperty( property, value, "important");
return "invalidateAllContent";
else {
var items = document.getElementsByTagName( target);
for( i = 0; i < items.length; i++ ) {
var item = items[i];
item.style.setProperty( property, value, "important" );
return "invalidateAllContent";
document.liveUpdatePropertyWin = function( id, property, value ) {
// AgDebugPrint( "document.liveUpdatePropertyWin( " + id + ", " + property + ", " + value + " )\n" );
if( property == "maxSize" ) {
return document.liveUpdateImageMaxSize( id, value );
if( property == 'display' || value == 'inherit' ) {
return "failed"
var x = document.styleSheets[0];
x.addRule(id, property + ": " + value + " !important");
return "invalidateAllContent";
if( MAC_ENV ) {
document.liveUpdateProperty = document.liveUpdatePropertyMac
if( WIN_ENV ) {
document.liveUpdateProperty = document.liveUpdatePropertyWin
function esc( pre ) {
pre = pre.replace( /&/g, "&" );
pre = pre.replace( /</g, "<" );
return pre;
function escapeForHtml( value ) {
// escape < and & but preserve </html>
var result = "";
var index = 0;
var pat = /(.*?)(<[\/a-zA-Z]?[^&<>]+>)/g;
var chunk;
while( ( chunks = pat.exec( value ) ) != null ) {
var pre = chunks[ 1 ];
var node = chunks[ 2 ];
index += pre.length + node.length;
pre = esc( pre )
result = result + pre + node;
result = result + esc( value.substring( index ) )
return result;
document.liveUpdate = function( path, newValue, cssId, property ) {
// AgDebugPrint( "document.liveUpdate( " + path + ", " + newValue + ", " + cssId + " , " + property + " ) " );
var success = "failed";
var reg = /(^[^.]+)\./;
var ar = reg.exec( path );
if( ar == null ) {
// override result if we drove this change ourselves
if( document.LR_modelManipulation ) {
return "invalidateOldHTML";
return "failed";
var area = ar[1];
if( area == "metadata" ) {
// our html is built so that the HTML ids are the metadata path
var a = document.getElementById( path );
while(a.hasChildNodes()) {
newValue = escapeForHtml( newValue );
a.innerHTML = newValue;
success = "invalidateOldHTML";
else if( area == "appearance" ) {
success = document.liveUpdateProperty( cssId, property, newValue );
else if( path == "nonCSS.tracking" ) {
if( newValue == null || newValue == "null") {
// force reload by signalling failure to update
// because we don't properly layout all the nuiances of
// detail image placement during tracking, we reload at the
// end to make sure it is correct when mouseup
success = "failed";
else {
// FIX_ME, image won't layout properly during drag w/o this
success = "invalidateOldHTML";
else if( path == "nonCSS.imageBorderWidth" ) {
// FIX_ME, not yet implemented, so image won't layout properly during drag
// as a workaround, we're reloading on tracking up (see previous block)
success = "invalidateOldHTML";
else {
// AgDebugPrint("How do I update " + path + " to " + newValue )
// override result if we drove this change ourselves
if( document.LR_modelManipulation ) {
return "invalidateOldHTML";
return success;
document.liveUpdateImageSize = function( imageID, width, height ) {
var img = document.getElementById( 'ID' + imageID );
img.style.width = width + 'px';
img.style.height = height + 'px';
return "invalidateAllContent";
et pngfix.js :
Code :
[== JavaScript ==]
Correctly handle PNG transparency in Win IE 5.5 & 6.
http://homepage.ntlworld.com/bobosola. Updated 18-Jan-2006.
Use in <HEAD> with DEFER keyword wrapped in conditional comments:
<!--[if lt IE 7]>
<script defer type="text/javascript" src="pngfix.js"></script>
var arVersion = navigator.appVersion.split("MSIE")
var version = parseFloat(arVersion[1])
var re = /^agwpg/i;
var workAroundIEDeadlockBug = re.exec( document.location ) == null;
if ((version >= 5.5) && (document.body.filters) && workAroundIEDeadlockBug) {
for(var i=0; i<document.images.length; i++) {
var img = document.images[i]
var imgName = img.src.toUpperCase()
if (imgName.substring(imgName.length-3, imgName.length) == "PNG") {
var imgID = (img.id) ? "id='" + img.id + "' " : ""
var imgClass = (img.className) ? "class='" + img.className + "' " : ""
var imgTitle = (img.title) ? "title='" + img.title + "' " : "title='" + img.alt + "' "
var imgStyle = "display:inline-block;" + img.style.cssText
if (img.align == "left") imgStyle = "float:left;" + imgStyle
if (img.align == "right") imgStyle = "float:right;" + imgStyle
if (img.parentElement.href) imgStyle = "cursor:hand;" + imgStyle
var strNewHTML = "<span " + imgID + imgClass + imgTitle
+ " style=\"" + "width:" + img.width + "px; height:" + img.height + "px;" + imgStyle + ";"
+ "filter:progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.AlphaImageLoader"
+ "(src=\'" + img.src + "\', sizingMethod='scale');\"></span>"
img.outerHTML = strNewHTML
i = i-1
Et enfin j'ai un fichier "Index.html" quand je l'ouvre sur internet, je clique gauche et je copie le code source que je vous post ici :
Code :
[== HTML ==]
<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/html4/loose.dtd">
<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml" xml:lang="en">
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8" >
<meta name="Keywords" content="photography,software,photos,digital darkroom,gallery,image,photographer,adobe,photoshop,lightroom" >
<meta name="generator" content="Adobe Photoshop Lightroom" >
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" media="screen" title="Custom Settings" href="content/custom.css" >
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" media="screen" title="Custom Settings" href="./resources/css/master.css" >
<script type="text/javascript">
window.AgMode = "publish";
<script type="text/javascript" src="./resources/js/live_update.js">
<!--[if lt IE 7.]> <script defer type="text/javascript" src="./resources/js/pngfix.js"></script> <![endif]-->
<!--[if gt IE 6]> <link rel="stylesheet" href="./resources/css/ie7.css"></link> <![endif]-->
<!--[if lt IE 7.]> <link rel="stylesheet" href="./resources/css/ie6.css"></link> <![endif]-->
<div id="wrapper_thumb">
<div id="model.nonCSS.idplateEnabled">
<div class="logo"> <a href="./index.html"> <img width="515" height="43" class="pngDelayDisplay" src="content/logo.png" alt="Logo"> </a> </div>
<div id="sitetitle">
<h1 onclick="clickTarget( this, 'metadata.siteTitle.value' );" id="metadata.siteTitle.value" class="textColor">www.dauphine-stores.fr</h1>
<div id="collectionHeader">
<h1 onclick="clickTarget( this, 'metadata.groupTitle.value' );" id="metadata.groupTitle.value" class="textColor">Store de terrasse</h1>
<p onclick="clickTarget( this, 'metadata.groupDescription.value' );" id="metadata.groupDescription.value" class="textColor">Store Grenoble, Voiron, Meylan</p>
<div id="stage">
<div id="index">
<div class="thumbnail borderTopLeft" onmouseover="window.gridOn( this.parentNode, 'ID18345_thumb' );" onmouseout="window.gridOff( this.parentNode );" onclick="window.location.href='content/DSCN0650_large.html'">
<div class="itemNumber">1</div>
<a href="content/DSCN0650_large.html" onclick="return needThumbImgLink;">
<div style="margin-left:15px; margin-top:31px;">
<img src="content/images/thumb/DSCN0650.jpg" id="ID18345_thumb" alt="" class="thumb" />
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<a href="content/DSCN0651_large.html" onclick="return needThumbImgLink;">
<div style="margin-left:15px; margin-top:32px;">
<img src="content/images/thumb/DSCN0651.jpg" id="ID18356_thumb" alt="" class="thumb" />
</a> </div>
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<div class="itemNumber">3</div>
<a href="content/DSCN0652_large.html" onclick="return needThumbImgLink;">
<div style="margin-left:15px; margin-top:31px;">
<img src="content/images/thumb/DSCN0652.jpg" id="ID18371_thumb" alt="" class="thumb" />
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<div class="itemNumber">4</div>
<a href="content/DSCN0654_large.html" onclick="return needThumbImgLink;">
<div style="margin-left:15px; margin-top:31px;">
<img src="content/images/thumb/DSCN0654.jpg" id="ID18382_thumb" alt="" class="thumb" />
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<a href="content/DSCN0656_large.html" onclick="return needThumbImgLink;">
<div style="margin-left:15px; margin-top:31px;">
<img src="content/images/thumb/DSCN0656.jpg" id="ID18393_thumb" alt="" class="thumb" />
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<div class="clear">
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<a href="content/DSCN0657_large.html" onclick="return needThumbImgLink;">
<div style="margin-left:15px; margin-top:31px;">
<img src="content/images/thumb/DSCN0657.jpg" id="ID18410_thumb" alt="" class="thumb" />
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<div class="itemNumber">7</div>
<a href="content/DSCN0658_large.html" onclick="return needThumbImgLink;">
<div style="margin-left:15px; margin-top:31px;">
<img src="content/images/thumb/DSCN0658.jpg" id="ID18421_thumb" alt="" class="thumb" />
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<div class="itemNumber">8</div>
<a href="content/DSCN0659_large.html" onclick="return needThumbImgLink;">
<div style="margin-left:15px; margin-top:32px;">
<img src="content/images/thumb/DSCN0659.jpg" id="ID18432_thumb" alt="" class="thumb" />
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<div class="itemNumber">9</div>
<a href="content/DSCN0660_large.html" onclick="return needThumbImgLink;">
<div style="margin-left:15px; margin-top:31px;">
<img src="content/images/thumb/DSCN0660.jpg" id="ID18443_thumb" alt="" class="thumb" />
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<div class="itemNumber">10</div>
<a href="content/DSCN0661_large.html" onclick="return needThumbImgLink;">
<div style="margin-left:15px; margin-top:31px;">
<img src="content/images/thumb/DSCN0661.jpg" id="ID18454_thumb" alt="" class="thumb" />
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<div class="clear">
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<div style="margin-left:15px; margin-top:31px;">
<img src="content/images/thumb/DSCN0662.jpg" id="ID18465_thumb" alt="" class="thumb" />
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<div class="itemNumber">12</div>
<a href="content/DSCN0663_large.html" onclick="return needThumbImgLink;">
<div style="margin-left:15px; margin-top:31px;">
<img src="content/images/thumb/DSCN0663.jpg" id="ID18476_thumb" alt="" class="thumb" />
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<div class="thumbnail borderTopLeft" onmouseover="window.gridOn( this.parentNode, 'ID18487_thumb' );" onmouseout="window.gridOff( this.parentNode );" onclick="window.location.href='content/DSCN0664_large.html'">
<div class="itemNumber">13</div>
<a href="content/DSCN0664_large.html" onclick="return needThumbImgLink;">
<div style="margin-left:15px; margin-top:31px;">
<img src="content/images/thumb/DSCN0664.jpg" id="ID18487_thumb" alt="" class="thumb" />
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<div class="emptyThumbnail borderTopLeft "></div>
<div class="emptyThumbnail borderTopLeft borderRight"></div>
<div class="clear">
<div class="emptyThumbnail borderTopLeft "></div>
<div class="emptyThumbnail borderTopLeft "></div>
<div class="emptyThumbnail borderTopLeft "></div>
<div class="emptyThumbnail borderTopLeft "></div>
<div class="emptyThumbnail borderTopLeft borderRight"></div>
<div class="clear">
<div class="emptyThumbnail borderTopLeft borderBottom"></div>
<div class="emptyThumbnail borderTopLeft borderBottom"></div>
<div class="emptyThumbnail borderTopLeft borderBottom"></div>
<div class="emptyThumbnail borderTopLeft borderBottom"></div>
<div class="emptyThumbnail borderTopLeft borderRight borderBottom"></div>
<div class="clear">
<div class="clear">
<div id="contact">
<a href="mailto:dauphine.store@wanadoo.fr"> <span
class="textColor" id="metadata.contactInfo.value">Dauphiné Stores & Fermetures</span>
<div class="clear">
Et dans le dossier " Content " se trouve les images en jpeg.
La page que j'ai testé n'est pas en ligne, car dans la mesure où elle est incomplète, et bien je ne la publie pas ducoup !
Voila, qu'est ce que vous en dites ?