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[Résolu] Page blanche apres install toute fraiche de la version 2.0

Ces informations sont visible à condition de lire Wink
de plus le gabarit Simplex installé par défaut donne les exemples
Code :
extrait du gabarit Simplex]
{* With cms_lang_info we retrieve current language information, assign gives us $nls variable we can work with *}
{cms_lang_info assign='nls'}
{* assigned url to theme related folder so we do not have to type full path each time *}
{$theme_path = "{uploads_url}/simplex"}
{* assigned content tag, now we have all smarty variables available anywhere in template *}
{* assigned title tag to a variable which we can override with a module entry title for example *}
{title assign='main_title'}
{content assign='main_content'}
{* assigned prev and next links so we don't have empty html tags if there is no previous or next page *}
{cms_selflink dir='previous' assign='prev_page'}
{cms_selflink dir='next' assign='next_page'}
{share_data scope=parent vars='nls,theme_path,main_title,main_content,prev_page,next_page'}

J-C Etiemble v 2.2.xx
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