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Sortie de TinyMCE 3.0 en Alpha

semble y avoir un soucis dans l'aide
je vois
How do I use it

Install and configure the module
Create and configure the appropriate profiles in Extensions / TinyMCE WYSIWYG editor

et ne vois pas la modif pour if you're using URL Rewriting
Code :
    <li><strong style="color: red">Important:</strong> if you're using URL Rewriting, you must update your .htaccess file and replace:
            <li><code>RedirectMatch 403 ^.*/modules/(.*)\.php</code>$&nbsp;with:</li>
            <li><code>RedirectMatch 403 ^.*/modules/(?!TinyMCE/responsive_filemanager/filemanager/).*\.php$</code></li>
            <li>... in order to make the Responsive File Manager work - If you already did some changes on that line, please update the rule accordingly</li>

J-C Etiemble v 2.2.xx
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