12/06/2017, 00:22:51
la version 2.2.1 arrive déjà! elle corrige entre autre Microtiny
Version 2.2.1 - NO NAME SET
Core - General
- Improve the smarty plugin loading to handle non-cachable plugins in the /assets/plugins and /plugins directories.
- Fixes to transaction functions in database abstraction library.
Installation Assistant v1.3.1
- On upgrade to 2.2.1 move all files from /plugins to /assets/plugins (they should only be third party plugins at this point)
- On upgrade chmod the config.php to 444
MicroTiny v2.1.1
- Fix temporary JS call URL.

Version 2.2.1 - NO NAME SET
Core - General
- Improve the smarty plugin loading to handle non-cachable plugins in the /assets/plugins and /plugins directories.
- Fixes to transaction functions in database abstraction library.
Installation Assistant v1.3.1
- On upgrade to 2.2.1 move all files from /plugins to /assets/plugins (they should only be third party plugins at this point)
- On upgrade chmod the config.php to 444
MicroTiny v2.1.1
- Fix temporary JS call URL.
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C'est en se plantant qu'on devient cultivé.
J'ai un string dans l'Array (Paris Hilton)