09/02/2011, 13:59:48
au passage : j'ai prévenu officiellement Ted et Anne (compufairy sur le forum org) de notre intention de nous bouger les fesses et de l'endroit ou nous discutions s'ils souhaitent réagir afin qu'ils puissent pourquoi pas nous donner leur avis sur la question, ce qui serait un bon point.
en 2010 j'avais déjà eu des discussions avec Ted dont l'une d'entre elles touchait le wiki, je vous la remet histoire de vous mettre dans le bain
en octobre dernier :
en 2010 j'avais déjà eu des discussions avec Ted dont l'une d'entre elles touchait le wiki, je vous la remet histoire de vous mettre dans le bain
en octobre dernier :
Citation :Citation :Ted : I agree about the wiki. I'm currently trying to recruit people toBess: I can mobilize French troops on my side. They are never very much and never be there if rendez-vous are too frequent, but by motivating each turn I can get help from 20 'every two weeks. This time will be used to translate the modules complement the wiki ... If you want I can suggest a work session on the theme: rethinking the wiki
help reorganize the wiki and make it a lot more user friendly. Once
that becomes a regular project for us, I'd love these kinds of
suggestions. I realize it's a coding issue as well, but we'd have to
coordinate the change in both the code and on the wiki -- which could
be quite a chore. Definitely something to think about, though.
True, the wiki is currently poorly presented. Not clear, many people seek information that they will never find a lack of opportunity, lack of time. Other software (jquery?) Offer great wiki, I am sure that in redesigning the structure of the wiki (not its content) we will make it more accessible.
One solution would be to prepare a plan of the wiki as it should be, either in French or English. And after validation, you migrate the existing structure. What do you think?