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Recherche aide sur le backend

Bonsoir Sébastien et bienvenue parmi nous Wink

Dans le code de Skeleton, voici ce que tu peux trouver quant au placement du module dans le menu :
Code :
   * GetAdminSection()
   * If your module has an Admin Panel, you can specify
   * which Admin Section (or top-level Admin Menu) it shows
   * up in. This method returns a string to specify that
   * section. Valid return values are:
   * main        - the Main menu tab.
   * content     - the Content menu
   * layout      - the Layout menu
   * usersgroups - the Users and Groups menu
   * extensions  - the Extensions menu (this is the default)
   * siteadmin   - the Site Admin menu
   * viewsite    - the View Site menu tab
   * logout      - the Logout menu tab
   * Note that if you place your module in the main,
   * viewsite, or logout sections, it will show up in the
   * menus, but will not be visible in any top-level
   * section pages.
   * @return string Which admin section this module belongs to
  function GetAdminSection()
    return 'extensions';

Ne pas oublier aussi :
Code :
   * HasAdmin()
   * This function returns a boolean value, depending on
   * whether your module adds anything to the Admin area of
   * the site. For the rest of these comments, I'll be calling
   * the admin part of your module the "Admin Panel" for
   * want of a better term.
   * @return bool True if this module has admin area
  function HasAdmin()
    return true;

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