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Url rewriting fonctionne bizarrement

Pas bon :
Citation :$config['url_rewriting'] = 'mod_rewrite';
#$config['internal_pretty_urls'] = true;
$config['assume_mod_rewrite'] = true;
Bon :
Code :
#URL Settings

#What type of URL rewriting should we be using for pretty URLs?  Valid options are:
#'none', 'internal', and 'mod_rewrite'.  'internal' will not work with IIS some CGI
#configurations. 'mod_rewrite' requires proper apache configuration, a valid
#.htaccess file and most likely {metadata} in your page templates.  For more
#information, see:
$config['url_rewriting'] = 'mod_rewrite';

#Extension to use if you're using mod_rewrite for pretty URLs.
$config['page_extension'] = '';

#If using none of the above options, what should we be using for the query string
#variable?  (ex.
$config['query_var'] = 'page';
Et c'est tout.
.htaccess :
Code :
# CMSMS Rewriting
# Set assume mod_rewrite to true in config.php and clear CMSMS cache
RewriteEngine On
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-f
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-d
RewriteRule ^(.+)$ index.php?page=$1 [QSA]

N'oublie pas de donner la version du cms.

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