22/02/2013, 16:14:01
PHP 5.5.0 Alpha5 released
NE PAS l'utiliser en production
Added the ability to change the tmp dir PHP will use during runtime, using a new php.ini entry ,
Added mysqli_begin_transaction()/mysqli::begin_transaction(). Implemented all options, per MySQL 5.6, which can be used with START TRANSACTION, COMMIT and ROLLBACK through options to mysqli_commit()/mysqli_rollback() and their respective OO counterparts. These changes are reflected in the mysqlnd API as well ,
Added recvmsg() and sendmsg() wrappers for ext/sockets
NEWS file (les changements)
PHP 5.5.x n'est plus compatible avec Windows XP
NE PAS l'utiliser en production

Added the ability to change the tmp dir PHP will use during runtime, using a new php.ini entry ,
Added mysqli_begin_transaction()/mysqli::begin_transaction(). Implemented all options, per MySQL 5.6, which can be used with START TRANSACTION, COMMIT and ROLLBACK through options to mysqli_commit()/mysqli_rollback() and their respective OO counterparts. These changes are reflected in the mysqlnd API as well ,
Added recvmsg() and sendmsg() wrappers for ext/sockets
NEWS file (les changements)
PHP 5.5.x n'est plus compatible avec Windows XP
J-C Etiemble v 2.2.xx