19/02/2010, 01:53:47
Comment inverser le bloc News et le bloc Main ? Passer le bloc News à droite et le bloc Main à gauche !
Je débute en css... Ca fait des heures que j'essaie, sans succès...
![[Image: essai3.jpg]](http://www.imagenko.com/essai3.jpg)
Voici mon gabarit :
Et voici la partie css :
Merci de votre aide
Comment inverser le bloc News et le bloc Main ? Passer le bloc News à droite et le bloc Main à gauche !
Je débute en css... Ca fait des heures que j'essaie, sans succès...

![[Image: essai3.jpg]](http://www.imagenko.com/essai3.jpg)
Voici mon gabarit :
Code :
{* Start Content *}
<div id="content">
{* Start Sidebar *}
<div id="sidebar">
<div id="sidebarb">
{content block='Sidebar'}
{* Start News, stylesheet "Module: News" *}
<div id="news">
{news number='3' detailpage='news'}
{* End News *}
{* End Sidebar *}
{* Start Content Area, the back1, back2, back3, hold the 3 outside images, main holds the 4th one, to make the box complete, if the template were fixed width not fluid we could use just 2 divs and 2 images, 1 top 1 bottom *}
<div class="back1">
<div class="back2">
<div class="back3">
<div id="main">
<div style="float: right;">{print showbutton=true script=true}</div>
<br />{* to insure space below content *}
{* Start relational links *}
{* note this is the right side, when you float: divs you need to have float: right; divs first *}
<div class="right49">
<p>{anchor anchor='main' text='^ Top'}</p>
<div class="left49">
<p> {cms_selflink dir="previous" label="Previous page: "}
{* The label parameter doesn't need to be there if you're using English, but is here to show how it's used if you don't want the English text "Previous page" *}
<br />
{cms_selflink dir="next"}
{* End relational links *}
<hr class="accessibility" />
<div class="clear"></div>
{* End Content Area *}
{* End Content *}
Code :
div#content {
/* some air above and under menu and content */
margin: 1.5em auto 2em 0;
padding: 0px;
/* this gets all the outside calls that were used on the div#main before */
div.back1 {
/* this will give room for sidebar to be on the left side, make sure this number is bigger than sidebar width */
margin-left: 29%;
/* and some air on the right */
margin-right: 2%;
/* you can set your own image here */
background: url(uploads/ngrey/mainrt1.gif) no-repeat right top;
/* this is an IE6 hack, you may see these through out the CSS */
* html div.back1 {
/* unlike other browser IE6 needs float:right and a width */
float: right;
width: 69%;
/* and we take this out or it will stop at the bottom */
margin-left: 0%;
/* and some air on the right */
margin-right: 10px;
/* you can set your own image here */
background: url(uploads/ngrey/mainrt1.gif) no-repeat right top;
div.back2 {
/* you can set your own image here */
background: url(uploads/ngrey/mainleft1.gif) no-repeat left top;
div.back3 {
/* you can set your own image here */
background: url(uploads/ngrey/wbtmleft.gif) no-repeat left bottom;
div#main {
/* this is the last inside div so we set the space inside it to keep all content away from the edges of images/box */
padding: 10px 15px;
/* you can set your own image here */
background: url(uploads/ngrey/rtup.gif) no-repeat right bottom;
div#sidebar {
/* set sidebar left. Change to right, float: right; instead, but you will need to change the margins. */
float: left;
/* sidebar width, if you change this change div.back and/or div.back1 margins */
width: 26%;
/* FIX IE double margin bug */
display: inline;
/* the 20px is on the bottom, insures space above footer if longer than content */
margin: 0px 0px 20px;
padding: 0px;
/* you can set your own image here */
background: url(uploads/ngrey/mainrt.gif) no-repeat right top;
div#sidebarb {
padding: 0px 15px 10px 20px;
/* this one is for sidebar with content and no menu */
background: url(uploads/ngrey/mainrtup.gif) no-repeat right bottom;
div#sidebarb div#news {
/* less margin surrounding the news, sidebarb has enough */
margin: 10px 0 1em 0em;
div#sidebara {
padding: 10px 15px 15px 0px;
/* this one is for sidebar with menu and no content */
background: url(uploads/ngrey/mainrtup.gif) no-repeat right bottom;