25/05/2012, 08:33:43
Citation :#~~~~~ DEBUT BLOC A NE PAS SUPPRIMER ~~~~~
#~ Version du CMS: #1.10.3
#~ Url du site :
#~ Hébergeur / Soft :
#~ Informations Système :
#~ ----------------------------------------------
#~ Cms Version: 1.10.3
#~ Installed Modules:
#~ CMSMailer: 2.0.2
#~ CMSPrinting: 1.0
#~ FileManager: 1.2.0
#~ MenuManager: 1.7.7
#~ MicroTiny: 1.1.1
#~ ModuleManager: 1.5.3
#~ News: 2.12.3
#~ Search: 1.7
#~ ThemeManager: 1.1.4
#~ TinyMCE: 2.9.6
#~ Gallery: 1.5.3
#~ CGExtensions: 1.28.2
#~ LightBox: 1.0.1
#~ FrontEndUsers: 1.17.3
#~ CustomContent: 1.8.2
#~ Gallery3: 0.1
#~ Showtime: 3.2
#~ FormBuilder: 0.7.2
#~ Captcha: 0.4.5
#~ Uploads: 1.14.2
#~ Config Information:
#~ php_memory_limit:
#~ process_whole_template: false
#~ output_compression: false
#~ max_upload_size: 64000000
#~ default_upload_permission: 664
#~ url_rewriting: none
#~ page_extension: .html
#~ query_var: page
#~ image_manipulation_prog: GD
#~ auto_alias_content: true
#~ locale:
#~ default_encoding: utf-8
#~ admin_encoding: utf-8
#~ set_names: true
#~ Php Information:
#~ phpversion: 5.3.10
#~ md5_function: On (Vrai)
#~ gd_version: 2
#~ tempnam_function: On (Vrai)
#~ magic_quotes_runtime: Off (Faux)
#~ E_STRICT: 0
#~ memory_limit: 128M
#~ max_execution_time: 120
#~ output_buffering: 4096
#~ safe_mode: Off (Faux)
#~ file_uploads: On (Vrai)
#~ post_max_size: 64M
#~ upload_max_filesize: 64M
#~ session_save_path: /tmp (1777)
#~ session_use_cookies: On (Vrai)
#~ xml_function: On (Vrai)
#~ Server Information:
#~ Server Api: cgi-fcgi
#~ Server Db Type: MySQL (mysql)
#~ Server Db Version: 5.1.49
#~ ----------------------------------------------
J'ai un problème lors de l'url rewriting.
J'ai pourtant bien suivi les étapes : http://wiki.cmsmadesimple.org/index.php/...ty_URLs/fr
Mais rien ne se passe!
Mon fichier config :
# CMS Made Simple Configuration File
# Documentation: /doc/CMSMS_config_reference.pdf
$config['dbms'] = 'mysql';
$config['db_hostname'] = 'mysql51-38.pro';
$config['db_username'] = '*******';
$config['db_password'] = '*****l';
$config['db_name'] = '********';
$config['db_prefix'] = 'cms_';
$config['db_port'] = 0;
$config['root_url'] = 'http://www.dijon-transit-express.com';
$config['timezone'] = 'Europe/Paris';
$config['default_encoding'] = 'utf-8';
#URL Settings
#Show mod_rewrite URLs in the menu? You must enable 'use_hierarchy' for this to work for modules
$config['assume_mod_rewrite'] = true;
#Extension to use if you're using mod_rewrite for pretty URLs.
$config['page_extension'] = '.html';
#If you don't use mod_rewrite, then would you like to use the built-in
#pretty url mechanism? This will not work with IIS and the {metadata} tag
#should be in all of your templates before enabling.
$config['internal_pretty_urls'] = true;
#If you're using the internal pretty url mechanism or mod_rewrite, would you like to
#show urls in their hierarchy? (ex. http://www.mysite.com/parent/parent/childpage)
$config['use_hierarchy'] = true;
#If using none of the above options, what should we be using for the query string
#variable? (ex. http://www.mysite.com/index.php?page=somecontent)
$config['query_var'] = 'page';
Mon fichier .htaccess:
Options +FollowSymLinks
RewriteEngine on
RewriteBase /
# Redirection 301 de toutes les demandes qui ne contiennent
# pas un point ou un slash
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} !/$
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} !\.
RewriteRule ^(.*) %{REQUEST_URI}/ [R=301,L]
# Régles de réécriture pour la forme /parent/enfant/
# mais réécrit seulement si l'URL demandée n'est pas un fichier ou un répertoire
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-f
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-d
RewriteRule ^(.+).htm$ index.php?page=$1 [QSA]
Après ces étapes, j'ai vidé le cache navigateur et le cache du CMS mais l'URL rewriting n'a pas fonctionné.
J'ai également bien {metadata} dans le <head> de mon gabarit.
Je ne vois pas ce que j'ai pu loupé.
Merci d'avance