01/04/2011, 11:16:38
[edit]Non Guismo, c'est le chemin sur le serveur, pas l'url du site.[/edit]
Oups, oui, il s'est gouré dans le config
Regarde le config.php du local et compare-le avec celui en ligne.
Quand il est écrit "path", il faut indiquer le chemin sur le serveur (avec homez...)
Quand il est écrit "url", il faut indiquer l'url de ton site...
ex : local
ex ovh
Oups, oui, il s'est gouré dans le config

Regarde le config.php du local et compare-le avec celui en ligne.
Quand il est écrit "path", il faut indiquer le chemin sur le serveur (avec homez...)
Quand il est écrit "url", il faut indiquer l'url de ton site...
ex : local
Code :
#Path Settings
#Document root as seen from the webserver. No slash at the end
#If page is requested with https use https as root url
#e.g. http://blah.com
$config['root_url'] = 'http://localhost/192';
#SSL URL. This is used for pages that are marked as secure.
$config['ssl_url'] = 'https://localhost/192';
#Path to document root. This should be the directory this file is in.
#e.g. /var/www/localhost
$config['root_path'] = 'H:\wamp\www\192';
#Name of the admin directory
$config['admin_dir'] = 'admin';
#Where do previews get stored temporarily? It defaults to tmp/cache.
$config['previews_path'] = 'H:\wamp\www\192\tmp\cache';
#Where are uploaded files put? This defaults to uploads.
$config['uploads_path'] = 'H:\wamp\www\192\uploads';
#Where is the url to this uploads directory?
$config['uploads_url'] = $config['root_url'] . '/uploads';
ex ovh
Code :
#Path Settings
#Document root as seen from the webserver. No slash at the end
#If page is requested with https use https as root url
#e.g. http://blah.com
$config['root_url'] = 'http://www.promojeunes-asbl.be';
#SSL URL. This is used for pages that are marked as secure.
$config['ssl_url'] = 'https://www.promojeunes-asbl.be';
#Path to document root. This should be the directory this file is in.
#e.g. /var/www/localhost
$config['root_path'] = '/homez.90/promojeu/promojeunesAsbl';
#Name of the admin directory
$config['admin_dir'] = 'admin';
#Where do previews get stored temporarily? It defaults to tmp/cache.
$config['previews_path'] = '/homez.50/promojeu/promojeunesAsbl/tmp/cache';
#Where are uploaded files put? This defaults to uploads.
$config['uploads_path'] = '/homez.50/promojeu/promojeunesAsbl/uploads';
#Where is the url to this uploads directory?
$config['uploads_url'] = $config['root_url'] . '/uploads';