28/03/2013, 11:51:35
Citation :#~~~~~ DEBUT BLOC A NE PAS SUPPRIMER ~~~~~
#~ Version du CMS: !1.7/8/9/10/11
#~ Url du site :
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#~ Informations Système :
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#~ Server Db Version: 5.1.66
Bonjour/Bonsoir, désolé de vous re-déranger (surtout pour un truc aussi petit) mais j'ai un gros soucis pour modifier les menus du gabarit ShadowMenu Tab + 2 columns.
Voici mon soucis (une image sera plus approprié pour vous montrer mon soucis)
![[Image: 276086menu.png]](http://img15.hostingpics.net/pics/276086menu.png)
Pour vous expliquer le plus clairement possible, le sous-menu contient trop de pages et donc, le background associé à ce sous-menu est trop petit et ça dépasse! (les cercles rouges sur l'image).
Mon premier réflexe est d'agrandir ces images (dans /uploads/ngrey) à l'aide de GIMP mais ça ne change rien... comme s'il conserve toujours l'image de base ou qu'il y a une sorte de limite (height?) dans le feuille CSS.
Du coup, je me suis empressé à consulter cette fameuse fiche (Navigation: CSSMenu - Horizontal) mais je ne trouve aucun critère de ce genre ...
Donc soit je me suis trompé de feuille de style dans le CMS ou soit je ne sais pas lire un fichier CSS :lol: !
Je vous met le code entier de cette feuille (j'ai séparé par des ¤ la partie qui semble modifier ce sous-menu).
Code :
/* by Alexander Endresen and mark */
#menu_vert {
/* no margin/padding so it fills the whole div */
margin: 0;
padding: 0;
.clearb {
/* needed for some browsers */
clear: both;
#menuwrapper {
/* set the background color for the menu here */
background-color: #243135;
/* IE6 Hack */
height: 1%;
width: auto;
/* one border at the top */
border-top: 1px solid #3F565C;
margin: 0;
padding: 0;
ul#primary-nav {
list-style-type: none;
margin: 0px;
padding-top: 10px;
padding-left: 10px;
#primary-nav ul {
/* remove any default bullets */
list-style-type: none;
/* sets width of second level ul to background image */
width: 210px;
margin: 0px;
padding: 0px;
/* make the ul stay in place so when we hover it lets the drops go over the content instead of displacing it */
position: absolute;
/* top being the bottom of the li it comes out of */
top: auto;
/* keeps it hidden till hover event */
/* room at top for li so image top shows correct */
padding-top: 9px;
/* set your image here, tall enough for the ul */
background: url([[root_url]]/uploads/ngrey/ultopup.png) no-repeat left top;
/* IE6 hacks on the above code */
* html #primary-nav ul {
padding-top: 13px;
background: url([[root_url]]/uploads/ngrey/ultopup.gif) no-repeat left top;
#primary-nav ul ul {
/* insures no top margins */
margin-top: 0px;
/* pulls the last ul back over the preceding ul */
margin-left: -1px;
/* keeps the left side of this ul on the right side of the preceding ul */
left: 100%;
/* negative margin pulls the left centered in li next to it */
top: -3px;
/* set your image here, tall enough for the ul, this is the left arrow for third level ul */
background: url([[root_url]]/uploads/ngrey/ultoprt.png) no-repeat left top;
/* IE6 hacks on the above code */
* html #primary-nav ul ul {
margin-top: 0px;
padding-left: 5px;
left: 100%;
top: -7px;
/* IE6 gets gif as it can't handle transparent png */
background: url([[root_url]]/uploads/ngrey/ultoprt.gif) no-repeat right top;
#primary-nav li {
/* a little space to the left of each top level menu item */
margin-left: 5px;
/* floating left will set menu items to line up left to right else they will stack top to bottom */
float: left;
#primary-nav li li {
/* a little more space to the left of each menu item */
margin-left: 8px;
/* keeps them tight to the one above, no missed hovers */
margin-top: -1px;
/* removes the left float set in first li so these will stack from top down */
float: none;
/* relative to the ul they are in */
position: relative;
/* IE6 hacks on the above code */
* html #primary-nav li li {
margin-left: 6px;
/* helps hold it inside the ul */
width: 171px;
ul#primary-nav li a {
/* specific font size, this could be larger or smaller than default font size */
font-size: 1em;
/* make sure we keep the font normal */
font-weight: normal;
/* set default link colors */
color: #fff;
/* doing tab menus require a bit different padding, this will give room on right for image to show, adjust to width of your image */
padding: 0px 11px 0px 0px;
/* makes it hold a shape */
display: block;
/* remove default "a" underline */
text-decoration: none;
ul#primary-nav li a span {
/* takes normal "a" padding minus some for right image */
padding: 12px 4px 12px 15px;
/* makes it hold a shape */
display: block;
ul#primary-nav li a:hover {
/* kind of obvious */
background-color: transparent;
ul#primary-nav li {
/* set your image here */
background: url([[root_url]]/uploads/ngrey/navrttest.gif) no-repeat right -51px;
ul#primary-nav li span {
/* set your image here */
background: url([[root_url]]/uploads/ngrey/navlefttest.gif) repeat-x left -51px;
/* set text color here also to insure color */
color: #fff;
/* just to be sure */
font-weight: normal;
ul#primary-nav li li {
/* remove any image set in first level li */
background: none;
ul#primary-nav li li span {
/* remove any image set in first level li span */
background: none;
/* set text color here also to insure color */
color: #fff;
/* just to be sure */
font-weight: normal;
ul#primary-nav li:hover,
ul#primary-nav li.menuh,
ul#primary-nav li.menuparenth {
/* set hover image, right side */
background: url([[root_url]]/uploads/ngrey/navrttest.gif) no-repeat right 0px;
ul#primary-nav li:hover span,
ul#primary-nav li.menuh span,
ul#primary-nav li.menuparenth span {
/* set hover image, left side */
background: url([[root_url]]/uploads/ngrey/navlefttest.gif) repeat-x left 0px;
/* change text color on hover */
color: #000;
font-weight: normal;
/* IE6 hacks, the JS used for hover effect in IE6 puts class menuh on li, unless they have a class then just an "h" as seen above and below */
ul#primary-nav li li.menuh {
background: none;
font-weight: normal;
/* IE6 hacks */
ul#primary-nav li.menuparenth li span {
background: none;
color: #000;
font-weight: normal;
/* IE6 hacks */
ul#primary-nav li.menuparenth li.menuparent span {
/* gif for IE6, as it can't handle transparent png */
background: url([[root_url]]/uploads/ngrey/parent.gif) no-repeat right center;
color: #000
/* IE6 hacks */
ul#primary-nav li.menuparenth li.menuh span {
background: none;
color: #FFF;
font-weight: normal;
/* IE6 hacks */
ul#primary-nav li.menuparenth li.menuparenth {
background: none;
color: #FFF;
font-weight: normal;
ul#primary-nav li.menuactive a {
/* set your image here for active tab right */
background: url([[root_url]]/uploads/ngrey/navrttest.gif) no-repeat right 0px;
ul#primary-nav li a.menuactive span {
/* set your image here for active tab left */
background: url([[root_url]]/uploads/ngrey/navlefttest.gif) repeat-x left 0px;
/* non active is #FFF/white, we need #000/black to contrast with light background */
color: #000;
/* bold to set it off from non active */
font-weight: bold;
#primary-nav li li a {
/* second level padding, no image and not as big */
padding: 5px 10px;
/* to keep it within li */
width: 165px;
/* space between them */
margin: 5px;
background: none;
/* IE6 hacks to above code */
* html #primary-nav li li a {
padding: 5px 10px;
width: 165px;
margin: 0px;
color: #000;
#primary-nav li li:hover {
/* remove image set in first level */
background: none;
#primary-nav li li a:hover {
/* set different image than first level */
background: url([[root_url]]/uploads/ngrey/darknav.png) repeat-x left center;
/* we need #FFF/white to contrast with dark background */
color: #FFF;
#primary-nav li.menuparent li a:hover span {
/* insures text color */
color: #FFF;
ul#primary-nav li:hover li a span {
/* first level is #FFF/white, we need #000/black to contrast with light background */
color: #000;
/* just to insure normal */
font-weight: normal;
#primary-nav li li.menuactive a.menuactive, #primary-nav li li.menuactive a.menuactive:hover {
/* set your image here, lighter than hover */
background: url([[root_url]]/uploads/ngrey/nav.png) repeat-x left 0px;
/* non active is #FFF/white, we need #000/black to contrast with light background */
color: #000;
#primary-nav li li.menuactive a.menuactive span {
/* insures text color */
color: #000
#primary-nav li li.menuactive a.menuactive:hover span {
/* insures text color */
color: #000;
/* IE6 hacks to above code */
#primary-nav li li.menuparenth a.menuparent span {
/* right arrow for menu parent, IE6 gif */
background: url([[root_url]]/uploads/ngrey/parent.gif) no-repeat right center;
color: #000
/* IE6 hacks to above code */
#primary-nav li li.menuparenth a.menuparent:hover span {
color: #FFF
#primary-nav li li.menuparent a.menuparent span {
/* right arrow for parent item */
background: url([[root_url]]/uploads/ngrey/parent.gif) no-repeat right center;
#primary-nav li.menuactive li a:hover span {
/* black text */
color: #000
ul#primary-nav li li a.menuactive span {
/* remove image set in first level */
background: none;
font-weight: normal;
#primary-nav li.menuactive li a {
/* second level active link color */
color: #0587A9;
text-decoration: none;
background: none;
#primary-nav li.menuactive li a:hover {
/* dark image for hover */
background: url([[root_url]]/uploads/ngrey/darknav.png) repeat-x left center;
#primary-nav li.menuactive li a:hover span {
/* white text to contrast with dark background image on hover */
color: #FFF;
ul#primary-nav li:hover li a span, ul#primary-nav li.menuparenth li a span {
padding: 0px;
background: none;
/* this is a special li type from the menu template, used to hold the bottom image for ul set above */
#primary-nav ul li.separator, #primary-nav .separator:hover {
/* set same as ul */
width: 210px;
/* height of image */
height: 9px;
/* negative margin pulls it down to cover ul image */
margin: 0px 0px -8px;
/* set your image here */
background: url([[root_url]]/uploads/ngrey/ulbtmrt.png) no-repeat left bottom;
/* same as above for next level to insure it shows correct */
#primary-nav ul ul li.separator, #primary-nav ul ul li.separator:hover {
height: 9px;
margin: 0px 0px -8px;
/* IE6 hacks */
* html #primary-nav ul li.separator {
height: 2px;
background: url([[root_url]]/uploads/ngrey/ulbtmrt.gif) no-repeat left bottom;
/* IE6 hacks */
* html #primary-nav ul li.separatorh {
margin: 0px 0px -8px;
height: 2px;
background: url([[root_url]]/uploads/ngrey/ultop.gif) no-repeat left top;
/* The magic - set to work for up to a 3 level menu, but can be increased unlimited, for fourth level add
#primary-nav li:hover ul ul ul,
#primary-nav li.menuparenth ul ul ul,
#primary-nav ul,
#primary-nav li:hover ul,
#primary-nav li:hover ul ul,
#primary-nav li.menuparenth ul,
#primary-nav li.menuparenth ul ul {
display: none;
/* for fourth level add
#primary-nav ul ul ul li:hover ul,
#primary-nav ul ul ul li.menuparenth ul,
#primary-nav li:hover ul,
#primary-nav ul li:hover ul,
#primary-nav ul ul li:hover ul,
#primary-nav li.menuparenth ul,
#primary-nav ul li.menuparenth ul,
#primary-nav ul ul li.menuparenth ul {
display: block;
/* IE Hacks */
#primary-nav li li {
float: left;
clear: both;
#primary-nav li li a {
height: 1%;
Merci d'avance
