17/04/2013, 11:02:45
Citation :#~~~~~ DEBUT BLOC A NE PAS SUPPRIMER ~~~~~
#~ Version du CMS: !1.7/8/9/10/11
#~ Url du site :
#~ Hébergeur / Soft : Apache
#~ Informations Système :
#~ Cms Version: 1.10.3
#~ Installed Modules:
#~ CMSMailer: 2.0.2
#~ FileManager: 1.2.0
#~ MenuManager: 1.7.7
#~ ModuleManager: 1.5.3
#~ News: 2.12.3
#~ Printing: 1.1.2
#~ ThemeManager: 1.1.4
#~ TinyMCE: 2.8.3
#~ MicroTiny: 1.1.1
#~ Config Information:
#~ php_memory_limit:
#~ process_whole_template: false
#~ output_compression: false
#~ max_upload_size: 300000000
#~ default_upload_permission: 664
#~ url_rewriting: none
#~ page_extension:
#~ query_var: page
#~ image_manipulation_prog: GD
#~ auto_alias_content: true
#~ locale:
#~ default_encoding: utf-8
#~ admin_encoding: utf-8
#~ set_names: true
#~ Php Information:
#~ phpversion: 5.3.3-7+squeeze15
#~ md5_function: On (Vrai)
#~ gd_version: 2
#~ tempnam_function: On (Vrai)
#~ magic_quotes_runtime: Off (Faux)
#~ E_STRICT: 0
#~ memory_limit: 128M
#~ max_execution_time: 60
#~ output_buffering: 4096
#~ safe_mode: Off (Faux)
#~ file_uploads: On (Vrai)
#~ post_max_size: 10M
#~ upload_max_filesize: 10M
#~ session_save_path: /var/lib/php5 (1733)
#~ session_use_cookies: On (Vrai)
#~ xml_function: On (Vrai)
#~ Server Information:
#~ Server Api: apache2handler
#~ Server Db Type: MySQL (mysql)
#~ Server Db Version: 5.1.66
Bonjour/Bonsoir, désolé pour le dérangement mais j'aimerais avoir une explication à mon problème :
J'essaye de modifier l'icône du site (le favicon.ico) et que ceci puisse se voir depuis IE 9 .... héhé ....
Cela marche pour Google Chrome et Mozilla mais pas pour IE (c'est le navigateur que la plupart des employés utilisent...).
Du coup , j'ai fait des recherches et je suis tombé sur cette conclusion :
Il faut rajouter la balise suivante dans le <head> du site :
Code :
[== HTML ==]
<link rel="shortcut icon" type="image/x-icon" href="IMAGE_ICONE" />
Et ce code est conseillé pour IE (Sur Commentcamarche -> Favicon - L'icône de votre site dans la barre d'adresse)
Mais j'ai essayé diverses choses : spécifier le chemin du favicon / vider le cache / déplacement de la balise dans le code : rien ne marche ! J'ai toujours la petit icône d'IE sur l'onglet ...
Donc voila ... qu'en pensez-vous? Si quelqu'un a rencontré ce soucis, je suis intéressé !

Je vous laisse le code du gabarit (ShadowMenu Tab + 2 columns) que j'utilise :
Code :
[== HTML ==]
{process_pagedata}<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd">
<meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=EmulateIE7" >
<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml" xml:lang="en" lang="en">
{* Change lang="en" to the language of your site *}
{* note: anything inside these are smarty comments, they will not show up in the page source *}
<title>{sitename} - {title}</title>
{* The sitename is changed in Site Admin/Global settings. {title} is the name of each page *}
{* Don't remove this! Metadata is entered in Site Admin/Global settings. *}
{* This is how all the stylesheets attached to this template are linked to it *}
{cms_selflink dir="start" rellink=1}
{cms_selflink dir="prev" rellink=1}
{cms_selflink dir="next" rellink=1}
<link rel="shortcut icon" type="image/x-icon" href="/favicon.ico" />
{* Relational links for interconnections between pages, good for accessibility and Search Engine Optimization *}
{* the literal below and the /literal at the end are needed whenever there are {"curly brackets"} as smarty will think it's something to process and will throw an error *}
<script type="text/JavaScript">
//pass min and max - measured against window width
function P7_MinMaxW(a,b){
var nw="auto",w=document.documentElement.clientWidth;
if(w>=b){nw=b+"px";}if(w<=a){nw=a+"px";}return nw;
<!--[if lte IE 6]>
<style type="text/css">
#pagewrapper {width:expression(P7_MinMaxW(720,950));}
#container {height: 1%;}
{* The min and max page width for Internet Explorer is set here. For other browsers it's in the stylesheet "Layout: Top menu + 2 columns" *}
<!--[if lte IE 6]>
<script type="text/javascript" src="modules/MenuManager/CSSMenu.js"></script>
{* The above JavaScript is required for CSSMenu to work in IE *}
<div id="pagewrapper">
{* start accessibility skip links, anything with the class of accessibility is hidden with CSS from visual browsers *}
<ul class="accessibility">
<li>{anchor anchor='menu_vert' title='Skip to navigation' accesskey='n' text='Skip to navigation'}</li>
<li>{anchor anchor='main' title='Skip to content' accesskey='s' text='Skip to content'}</li>
{* end accessibility skip links *}
<hr class="accessibility" />
{* Horizontal ruler that is hidden for visual browsers by CSS *}
{* Start Header, with logo image that links to the default start page. Logo image is changed in the stylesheet "Layout: Top menu + 2 columns" *}
<div id="header">
{* this holds the name of the site on the right side *}
{* <h2 class="headright">{sitename}</h2>*}
{* a link back to home page and the header left image/logo, text is hidden using CSS *}
<h1>{cms_selflink dir="start" text="$sitename"}</h1>
<hr class="accessibility" />
{* End Header *}
{* Start Navigation, stylesheet "Navigation: ShadowMenu - Horizontal" *}
<div id="menu_vert">
<h2 class="accessibility">Navigation</h2>
{menu loadprops=0 template='cssmenu_ulshadow.tpl'}
<hr class="accessibility" />
{* End Navigation *}
{* Start Search, the input "Submit" is using an image, CSS: input.search-button *}
<div id="search">
{* End Search *}
{* Start Breadcrumbs *}
<div class="crbk">
{* holds the right image, we need 2 divs to be able to make this site fluid, if it was fixed width we could use one div, one image *}
<div class="breadcrumbs">
{breadcrumbs langtext="fr_FR" starttext='Vous êtes ici' root='Home' delimiter='»'}
<hr class="accessibility" />
{* End Breadcrumbs *}
{* Start Content *}
<div id="content">
{* Start Sidebar *}
{*<div id="sidebar"> *}
{* <div id="sidebarb"> *}
{* {content block='Sidebar'} *}
{* Start News, stylesheet "Module: News" *}
{*<div id="news"> *}
{* <h2>News</h2> *}
{* {news number='3' detailpage='news'}
{*</div> *}
{* End News *}
{* </div>*}
{* </div>*}
{* End Sidebar *}
{* Start Content Area, the back1, back2, back3, hold the 3 outside images, main holds the 4th one, to make the box complete, if the template were fixed width not fluid we could use just 2 divs and 2 images, 1 top 1 bottom *}
<div class="back1">
<div class="back2">
<div class="back3">
<div id="main">
<div style="float: right;">{print showbutton=true script=true}</div>
<br />{* to insure space below content *}
{* Start relational links *}
{* note this is the right side, when you float: divs you need to have float: right; divs first *}
{*<div class="right49">*}
{*<p>{anchor anchor='main' text='^ Top'}</p>*}
{* </div>*}
{* <div class="left49">*}
{*<p> {cms_selflink dir="previous" label="Previous page: "}*}
{* The label parameter doesn't need to be there if you're using English, but is here to show how it's used if you don't want the English text "Previous page" *}
{* <br />*}
{*{cms_selflink dir="next"}*}
{* </p>*}
{* </div>*}
{* End relational links *}
<hr class="accessibility" />
<div class="clear"></div>
{* End Content Area *}
{* End Content *}
{* Start Footer. Edit the footer in the Global Content Block called "footer" *}
<div class="footback">
<div id="footer">
{* stylesheet "Navigation: FatFootMenu" *}
{*<div id="fooleft">*}
{* {menu loadprops=0}*}
<div id="footrt">
{global_content name='footer'}
<div class="clear"></div>
{* End Footer *}
{* end pagewrapper *}